My Dream House

With entrance decorated with scented petals of rose,
Our name plate in gold, Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Bose,
Gate one for all and two designed exclusively for children,
Left side personalized with a small kinden,
Such a view I wish, everyone love to pose.
Every day a ritual based rangoli to admire,
Morning enchanting of peagants is my desire,
With buttons to press to open every numbered door,
From 1 to 6 on my fingertips and what more,
Imagine and you can watch my whole empire.
Think of a person and talk to him straightway,
Talk about a dish and relish it every day,
Soft instrumental melodies always ringing in the ears,
Happiness all around, no agony no tears,
Can I wish for this life on my Birthday?
All household chores by robots done,
No need to look like maid or search for one.
Hand in hand with my hubby enjoying the morning tea,
Wish when my life like the one will be,
A carefree, duty free, tension free me like my son.
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