My Little Girl

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under PenMuse-56 Poetry on 2023-10-12

My little angel is little no more She indeed is a sight for the sore eyes in satiny whites down the aisle she flies Tears of joy ceaseless down my cheek do pore. Ram and I had so much love between us but after five years of matrimony Gosh, God's grace had been in parsimony no tiny life to make our lives joyous Often many clinics did we visit Numerous Samples drawn and tests performed bodies poked, organs defiled, minds deformed deluged were we with miseries licit Several cycles of IVF ravaged me my husband was but a bundle of nerves patiently does he wait and with love serves Destiny has no news to give us glee Then fortune at last gloriously smiles Courts did sanction the adoption process we did get our own smiling sweet Princess with her we've traversed many happy miles Oh what a joy to see her find true love May happily ever after they live!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!