My Magical Place

Shweta Singh posted under PenMuse-04 Poetry on 2019-02-15

From where I sit, far yonder the eye sees The magnificent mountains and coniferous trees With myriad shades of brown, blue and green The striking vista so peaceful and serene Oh here! My weary soul is at peace. The emerald meadow is dotted with gems As colorful offerings on delicate stems They shimmy and shimmer in the gentle breeze “Won’t you linger for a moment please?” With the spry river sparkling at its ruffs and hems. High in the sky the eagle soars Close to my rock the river roars In her heart she captures the green and blue Laughter and stories of people too And takes these memories to distant shores. Once to such a land I had been This stunning sight my eyes had seen But I didn’t have my heart’s fill Obligations, they were a call shrill To go back once more I am most keen. ________________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: