My New Friend

I am distressed today. Two months have passed since I was brought to this centre. I was found on the street by a kind girl, battered and broken. My survival was a miracle. All had given up hope. But I am a fighter. One by one all my brothers and sisters have found new parents, a new home. I am still waiting.
I am always rejected by everyone. Why? Because of my appearance. I don't have an eye, a broken nose, only half an ear, a stub of a tail and a scar that runs from the rim of my eye to my brown neck. But why can't people see beyond my looks? I am still loving and cuddly.
Then came the special day . A mother and her child came to the centre. It was love at first sight from my end. He was a toddler, maybe around two or three years. He looked different. His features looked different : a flattened face, almond shaped eyes that slant up, a short neck, small ears and small hands and feet. But it was his lopsided smile that won my heart.
The little boy spotted me. There was a glitter in his eyes, a widening of his lips, a flutter in my heart. I ran towards him and started kissing him. He was delighted. His mother smiled and picked me up. She ran her gentle hands over me, kissed me and placed me on her son's laps.
I was finally going home, to my new friend's home. Yes my new friend who saw beyond my physical appearance, who accepted me as I am. I was ecstatic, euphoric. Of course I am going to miss the centre but a home is a home. The formalities were completed and I hopped on to the front seat of the car with my new friend, my first car ride. Throughout the journey I snuggled in the arms of my new friend, though I wriggled a few times as I was held a tad too tight.
We stopped at a spacious bungalow with a huge garden. Very gently I was taken inside my new home. They are treating me like fine porcelain. They are not aware of my inner strength. I had a room to myself. I learnt my new friend's name was Tom. I was named Rocky. In fact it was my new friend who kept rocking himself and repeating “Ro...cky, Ro..cky.”
Soon Tom and myself were inseparable. I woke him up with my sloppy kisses, we had breakfast together and sat for our daily activities together. In fact I was brought especially for my new friend , to assist him in his social interactions and promoting his motor skills. I learnt I was a therapy dog. I took him for walks, helping him to balance himself. I had a calming effect on my new friend. I helped in reducing his anxiety. We both gained confidence. We are bound together by destiny now.
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