My Philia

Gowri Bhargav posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-14

Should I call you a mother? Providing a safe haven  You nurture me in ways several, And witness every milestone of mine with great ardor. Should I call you a child? Ruffling through my untamed hair You oft tug my dangling shawl And naughtily toss the autumnal leaves  Into my perfect yard. Should I call you a lover? Lilting my heart with ecstacy  You paint kaleidoscopic hues every sunset And tuck me to sleep 'neath the shimmering stars with tones dulcet. Should I call you a confidante? Lending a patient ear, you listen to my candid outbursts As a non judgemental friend you stay beside me Offering sanguine dawns so heavenly. Nature, my Philia! Your unconditional love is so pure, Roles many you play in my life - our bond is eternal.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!