My Philia, My Brother

Lakshmi Menon posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-19

I vividly remember the day you ambled into my life, A tiny bundle, swaddled in white, Coupled with excitement were fears galore, One glance at you, I became protective, anxiety cruised. The first sign of recognition was your brilliant smile, Seated by your bedside, I watched you grow, With your wobbly steps, you followed my voice, You looked up to me; I always guided you. Separations were heartaches, so was going to school, I left with a longing to get back home soon. We played scrabble and carom; read under a tent, With giggles and laughter, childhood flew. Teenage came with secrets and heartbreaks, Some were divulged, others buried deep inside, We sailed turbulent waters, conspired through the mayhem, We shared a unique bond; I for you and you for me. Today, as I begin a new phase of my life, I am reassured, for I know I can always fall back on you, Somewhere along the way, the equations changed, You became my strength, my protector, my philia, my brother.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!