My Ruined City

Let’s not lose hope, work together
Turning our pain into power
Being more resilient and responsible, let’s stand together.
Mere thought of my ruined city makes me feel bother
Amidst all sorrow, let’s grow up again like a new flower
Let’s not lose hope, work together.
Torrents of rain and raging winds so mean, the city couldn’t protect her
Angry cyclone brought mayhem in her path, breaking people this hour
Being more resilient and responsible, let’s stand together.
The dolorously painful havoc seems to took our life forever
Homes are lost in the bolt of lightning and roar of thunder
Let’s not lose hope, work together.
Perished trees and disturbed birds longing for a new weather
Tears and panic would not help alleviate pain and despair
Being more resilient and responsible, let’s stand together.
Damaged determinations will fly again like a feather
Bricks will stand again, as hope concur
Let’s not lose hope, work together
Being more resilient and responsible, let’s stand together.
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