Sophy’s Quatern has left me in a mess, I just can’t think of a poem to write. Last week I spent two hours with no success, This prompt has put me in an awful plight. What can I write about, I sit and think, Sophy’s Quatern has left me in a mess I only ended up catching a wink, But not any idea, nonetheless. Should I write about a pretty princess? Or something about our mother nature? Sophy’s Quatern has left me in a mess Perhaps a poem ‘bout a lost treasure? But wait, I have written a few lines now, My plaints have come out as a verse, I guess, Though I’ve been whining all along ‘bout how, Sophy’s Quatern has left me in a mess. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!