New Beginnings or Rekindling Lost Hopes

Neha Mittal posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-25

It's him! I told you Riya not to call him. He is not the right guy for you, I told you at that time also when you eloped with him, and I am stating it again. He ruined your life. Now, when you are on the verge of starting your new life, you called him, why? No! Mom, I did not call him. Stop reacting! Listen to me first! He called me up as he wants to return all my belongings. That is why he is here.  All these years, I am just listening to you and only you. You married this irresponsible guy without our wishes. You left your thriving career to live with him in the shackles. And what he gave you in return, just a faux life without any hopes and aspirations.  Riya tightly clenches her mom's hand and halts her.  Mom, let me talk to him and settle all the things before I step into this new relation. He knows Vishal. They both studied at the same school and were classmates. I want my new affinity with Vishal should be transparent. I don’t think that I should hide or delude him from any such things that can create differences in our relationship. Okay! But this is the last time you can meet him and finish it once and for all. Hi Riya, you look the same. I don’t know? Whether it's the right time or not, but I could not hold myself when I saw these lovely pictures of ours of our first honeymoon. Look! How beautiful and charming you were in these pictures. Stop it! Aman, please leave me. I have my engagement ceremony guests are here, Vishal's family is waiting. And you are showing me these pictures. Why? What's the purpose now? We are divorced, if you have anything to return which belongs to me, then please give and leave. I have the precious memories, the bond that we shared that broke. I am happy that you chose Vishal as your new partner hope he gives you that contentment that you never got it from me. He is rich, can buy you anything and everything except true love. They both looked at each other their silence was enough to arouse the love which lost its charm. Please! Don’t you do this to me? We never sorted out our issues, and it was never about money. We got separated as our opinions always clashed, and we never gave respect or even trusted each other. I am moving on, and I wish that you should also settle down, Aman. Riya, with a heavy heart, heavy steps, and teary eyes, moves ahead. She is all left in a dilemma where her heart still beats for Aman, her first love, and her new life where her new partner Vishal is waiting for her.  At one intersection, she is not sure of her future with Vishal. On the other, she is overcoming a fitful relationship with Aman. 


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