“A hug is always the right size,” Seema muttered. It did not make much sense to her.
What’s that all about ‘right size’? Does anyone measure a hug in size? Or ‘right’ in terms of the aptness and correctness of the act?
If one hugs, it must be ‘right’ and befitting the situation!
‘Size’? Could it mean how comforting it is? Or the manner of the hug?
Intimate, soothing, reassuring?
Seema’s thoughts were interrupted by a sharp tap on her shoulder. She looked up and found herself peeping into those cold, alien eyes that were always chilling and intimidating.
“Is…. there something you want?” She stuttered, unable to hold his intense gaze.
His sturdy hand was on her left shoulder…. So near to her thumping heart!
Her heart was in her mouth, and her gaze was steadily entwined with his deep eyes; she could hardly breathe.
“I’m still waiting,” his tone was nonchalant, but his intention wasn’t.
“I…..I…nnneeed time to decide. It’s not easy to convince myself about our relationship. I need to focus on my present project without any distractions….”
“And you feel I pose a threat to your focus. That’s interesting.” He interrupted her, rendering her speechless and stuck.
“So you have unintentionally affirmed your feelings for me; I mean, if I distract you, it confirms that there is a spark that ignites ….”
Seema bit her tongue. ‘Why is it that I always flounder in his presence?’
She drew herself back so that she could calm her agitated nerves.
“Nn…no. Don’t jump to conclusions from my words. I meant the pressure from my boss, the non-cooperation of my team, and the deadlines. My preparedness matters the most, and I will not allow ANYONE to distract me.”
It was as though she was trying to convince herself.
He smiled at her emphatic manner.
“Oh, I see.” He drawled.
And he left, leaving her immobile.
His words lingered on, his fragrance hung in the air, and his gaze haunted her.
She shook herself. It was indiscreet to fall for an impassive person. “Seema, stop pretending. Why boast about ‘focus, no distraction’ when you know you are nowhere near that?” She scolded herself.
She was drawn to him, a fact. That he, too, was charmed was no secret. His alluring demeanour and proximity were driving her insane.
“A hug is always the right size,” he said, towering over her as he pulled her up from her chair and drew her into a tight embrace that stifled her breath.
“Don’t think too hard on work. A few ‘free breaths’ are as valuable.” He whispered as she tried to free herself.
And that was it. Her pulse raced, and she lost all track of time and place.
“Dear all, here’s the big news: Roopesh’s team bags the project. Seema, a little more ‘FOCUS’……” The Project Manager’s words hit her hard.
“A hug is always the right size,” Her mother’s warm, soothing hug was the ‘right size.’