Not so Grave

Penmancy posted under Book Review on 1970-01-01

This novella reminded me so much of Aparna herself. Quirky, irreverent, unconventional, and wacky! 'Not so grave' could easily have been a grave book. Death, especially of a young person, could have been about loss and impact on the family. But NO.

There is no melodrama or gloom anywhere in the book. Only Aparna could have made it into a delightful piece of wry, witty humor of coping and life moving on as the dear departed person watches. A dead person lingering on to pass amusing, piquant comments about his family is such a revolutionary idea.

My most fav character is Beeji. Her tongue-in-cheek philosophies and Punjabi slang are so spot on.

The fact that Aparna did not spare even the dead and made Robu's soul learn a thing or two about himself is the height of flippancy.

I enjoyed this book so much that I did not want it to end. Aparna, this book would have been perfect if you had given attention to the editing.
