Now or Forever?

"While a chef's life is considered privileged, we have to be on our toes to keep up with competitive times and evolve continuously." 
"But the country's Prime Minister ordering frequently and recommending your food brings certain pressure and sets the bar too high, isn't it?", counter-questioned a journalist to Mr. Gaurav Batra, youngest Michelin Star and most celebrated chef of the country. To which he paused and responded, "It certainly does. But you know, eventually, we all use the same ingredients available, it is the process that we may differ, which leads to a different outcome for all of us. And, of course, the quantities matter too. If you all excuse me, I am supposed to assist a family with setting the dinner menu for a big event. Their team is already waiting for me. And in the Ruby hall we have arranged a Hi-Tea for you all, please do not leave without having it. It's a humble request. Thank you very much." Chef Gaurav leaves the press conference and proceeds to the meeting. 

Conversely, the Jahagirdars are waiting for him to offer him an opportunity that may flip his career depending on how he serves them. A bunch of young lads with their NRI friends to prove to them even India, their country also has world-class global cuisine. "Well, we won't agree to what you say. Prove it by treating us", one of them commented. "Okay, tell me what do you wish to have?" asked Viraj who completely trusts Gaurav, his friend, to feed them nothing less than THE BEST. "Well, why don't you order some soufflé for us?", demanded Elyn in an underestimating tone. 

Viraj smiled, and Aditi too; They knew no other place in their city served soufflé as well as "Fahrenheit" and Gaurav could make and serve soufflé even in his deepest sleep. They ordered soufflé. They were in for a treat as along with classic French Cheese soufflé topped with cherries, they were served 3 savory variations as well. Elyn was surprised at the chef's culinary expertise. "Well, not bad. I must say these are way better than I expected, way better," she remarked. "But can they make 1000's of them?" "Wait, are we inviting 1000 people for engagement?", Viraj asked shocked. "No, not 1000. But if they are this good everyone would have 2-3 of them!", Elyn complimented the chef raising the souffle toast. "What I think is, let us keep 2 desserts. Souffle is less sweet, whereas our Indian guests would expect sweeter desserts. How about Gulabjamun?", Aditi interrupted trying to find a practical solution. "My very first question is who is getting engaged?", Gaurav asked a million-dollar question. 

Viraj laughed, "Let me introduce you to Ian. Aditi is getting engaged to him on the 25th of this month." "Wow! Congratulations Aditi! Ian, you lucky man! Well, I suggest soufflé paired with tart, Shrikhand tart to be precise would be a good combination. Flavours remain desi." 
"That is a cool suggestion, Gaurav. Let us discuss this at home and get back to you. Thank you for this amazing treat man, appreciated!", thanked Viraj. Elyn left with a normal handshake, although she felt like kissing the hand of the maker of that soufflé!

During their stay in India, Elyn insisted Aditi to visit Fahrenheit. Aditi informed her about other places too, but she kept rejecting the suggestions. Aditi hinted this to Viraj, after all, she did not want her would-be sister-in-law to end up disappointed. Viraj had no idea if something could happen between the two, he was far from playing the cupid. He knew Gaurav closely, but a few years back, during their junior college. After that, although the two kept in touch, they hardly knew anything about each other's personal lives. Boys have those friendships where they may look like the best buddies but might not know what the other is going through and are still okay with it. Aditi sensed the maze of emotions Elyn was caught in, so one day she took her out shopping and smartly dropped her at the café requesting Gaurav to spend some time with her till she got her visa documentation done. She sat alone at the table for the maximum time, Gaurav had a rather busy day in the kitchen and could not afford to miss out on his job. He gazed at her through the kitchen window and kept apologizing, and Elyn was so crazy in love with him that she found it cute. Moreover, she was already visualizing herself eating soufflé for the rest of her life! 

Gaurav got relatively free from the kitchen after an hour and Elyn was too delirious to blurt out her feelings to him, as soon as possible. 
"You know, making a beautiful woman wait should be a crime Gaurav, not fair", she tried to flirt a little with her radiant smile. "Guilty as charged, Madame", Gaurav bowed down in respect. "As if the culinary skills were less to impress, he is chivalrous too!", Elyn muttered to herself. The two continued to exchange some peals of laughter and chat, Aditi stood outside and felt butterflies all over again as she looked at both of them. 

She immediately called Ian and shared everything with him. Ian was happy for his sister but did not know if Gaurav had the same feelings for her. Seeing Elyn in this avatar he was sure she was serious because he had not seen her like that before. He now sought assurance from Gaurav's side. 

Aditi started pestering Viraj to know Gaurav's side of the story. Viraj called Gaurav to fix a time to meet. Gaurav advises as per availability thinking of it to be about the catering and menu for the engagement. When asked about his personal life, Gaurav opened up to Viraj about his separation from his wife two years back. Being in a round-the-clock profession, hospitality, he failed to spend quality time with her. After this heartbreak and failure in love, he was not ready for another relationship as setting up his career was his priority. Upon informing Elyn, her feelings for Gaurav did not change a bit, contrarily, his clarity of thoughts stunned her. She was in no hurry. She kept meeting Gaurav, not to change his mind, but because she loved his company. 

After a fortnight, Gaurav remembered Viraj asking him about his personal life, and then Elyn's frequent café visits were justified. To keep his word, he then tried to spend less time with her on her café visits, pretending to be busy in the kitchen, probably this helped him to be more sure of his feelings too. Elyn's presence was welcomed by the rest of the staff as it enlightened the atmosphere and made the ambiance pleasant. Gaurav was observing all these changes from a distance and how he missed communicating with her. Her sheer presence used to make a difference for him, nothing more he expected from her. The same applied to Elyn as well, for one 10-minute chat with him, she would patiently wait through the peak busy hours of the café. But one day, more than ever, she sought assurance from him. So going the extra mile, she waited till the closing time to talk to him. 

"What do you think about me?", without beating around the bush she directly hit Bull's eye. He paused and smiled, "Listen na Elyn, not today."
Elyn, impatiently, "If not today then when?" 

"Okay. I am not sure if you know this. Just before the pandemic, I separated from my wife. We were madly in love, we dated for 7 years and then got married. I have seen both ends of the spectrum and once you put a label on a relationship expectations are bound to crop up. Right now, I am not in a mental space to fulfil those. Not sure if I ever will. You are an amazing person, I request you please do not stop at me or wait for me", Gaurav exhales powerfully after that monologue. 

"Wow woow wooow! I did not know things have gone this far for you" Elyn continues in her joyful tone. "I have also been through a heartbreak, and I am in no hurry. At least assure me that you like my company, and you love the time you spend with me. Because I have prepared myself to eat your classic cheese soufflé for the rest of my life!", she laughs out loud with this statement. Gaurav looks at her in admiration. "See, I am not looking for forever, let us live the now and see if we can make it forever that precious", she speaks softly as she pats his right palm with her right palm. Gaurav envelops Elyn's palm in his left palm and says, "Elyn, you are too sweet and optimistic. I cannot promise you forever, but today is something I can. Let us go for a drive?" 

Elyn hangs her sling bag on her shoulder and says, "Yes, I am ready!" 

Gaurav hangs his apron on a hanger and pulls down the shutter of the café, they both sit in his Mercedes as they embark on the beginning of their Happily Ever After or Happy For Today, that only their journey will decide! After all, it's the process maximum time is spent on, not the destiny.