Now You See Us

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2023-07-26

"Now You See Us" by Balli Kaur Jaswal is not your typical thriller, though it explores a myriad of themes. Set in Singapore, the story revolves around four maids: Corazon, Angel, Donita, and Flor. Each carries their own struggles and pasts while earning a living in the city. You'll witness the harsh reality of how domestic workers are treated in Singapore, and how the system fails to protect them. The plot of "Now You See Us" is driven by three protagonists and an acquaintance falsely accused of murder. But what truly startles is the way immigrant staff serving as caregivers, cleaners, or maids in Singapore are treated. The story unveils stark racism, discrimination, and inhumane treatment they endure, shedding light on the trouble in paradise. While the murder mystery element is present, the plot's focus on the lives of the three leading ladies disrupts the suspense. The alternating narratives somewhat dilute the anticipation of the murder mystery and their quest to save the accused within the confines of the law. While the beginning might be a bit slow, the well-developed characters and eloquent narration make the journey worthwhile. The plot captures your attention when Flor is accused of murder in the sixth chapter. Beyond thrills, the novel delves into LGBTQ and sex education themes, inspiring readers to speak up for themselves. It also portrays the importance of acceptance in relationships through Donita and Sanjeev's love story. Interesting characters, laughter, and tears await you throughout this compelling read. "Now You See Us" is a good read for anyone who enjoys women's fiction. Dive in and experience Singapore through the eyes of these remarkable women. ~*~ Get your copy here:     “This review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program”