Old is always Gold

G Venkatesh posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-11

Hey! Don’t disturb while I am sleeping!  It was 9 A.M and Candy was curled up inside her cardboard box. She had two layers of soft blankets to make her comfortable at night.  “What is that?” asked the box, as the human brought in a rather big-looking bed into the room. Candy raised her head and peered through the cardboard flaps with her wide eyes.  “Hey Candy, look what I got you today!” exclaimed the human, placing the new fancy bed in one corner of the room.  Candy rolled over to the other side.  “I guess I will leave you to see it for yourself then.” Saying so, he left the room. He knew when Candy should not be disturbed.  “Hey, that’s a nice-looking bed”, the carboard box whistled. “Looks expensive too. Does that mean my days are numbered?” There was an alarm in his voice. The new fancy bed looked around and spotted the cardboard box. “Hey there! How are you? I am the new bed for the cat of this house. Is that her sleeping inside you? My name is Cathy. See, it is written on the bedstead.” “Yeah,” came the cold reply. “Candy has always loved to sleep inside me ever since she was a kitten.” “Well, that’s going to change. You see, my legs are made of pure wood, my mattress and pillow are made of pure leather and the sheets are so soft – Candy will forget you immediately.” The cardboard box did not say anything. We will see. At 11 A.M, Candy woke up. After the usual grooming, stretching and kneading, she leaped out of the box, straight in front of the new bed.  “Whoa! So, you are Candy. Come, feel me and you will forget the old box”, Cathy was clearly excited. Candy walked around the new entrant sniffing all the way. She then leapt up the bedstead and jumped on to the pillow. Since it was super-soft, she bounced off the pillow on to the soft sheets.  “Hey, careful now,” exclaimed Cathy. “The sheets are very delicate and… Hey! What are you doing? No! Don’t!” Candy had already started kneading them and since the soft sheets were tightly folded to the mattress, they tore off revealing the leather mattress. After a while of sniffing, Candy prodded the mattress with her claws. The end was imminent! “You awful cat! You are disgusting! You have no manners. Wait till the human comes. What the…? Please, No!” But Candy had already shat on the torn portion of the mattress. Getting down, she peed on one of the legs and nonchalantly, climbed back into the cardboard box for another bout of sleep. “Stop that laughter. Oh, my sheets, my mattress! What did I do to deserve this?” wailed Cathy. The cardboard box sniggered. It happened to all the others too! 


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