One Wrong Step, Everything Fell Apart

Sheela Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-51 on 2023-04-18

Ajit and Anupama were a real sweetheart. Both were intellectual and smart. They were clear about their needs and goals. Yet they were very different and opposite polls. She was an introvert, while him an extrovert. She loved silence, and he loved loud music and concert. She was a pure vegetarian. He was a non-vegetarian. Though opposites in many ways, they got attracted to each other. Above all, they had great respect for one another. A couple of years later, they tied the knot. Congratulations poured on social media seeing the pictures they shot. Within two years they were blessed with a baby boy. Ajit and Anupama’s family drenched in joy. But as years passed by, their relationship failed to prosper. Their differences started to surface, leading to fights daily like a monster. Love, the key to a functional relationship, was taking a back seat. Things went from bad to worse when Ajit raised his hand to beat. Family and friends tried to fix their relationship but all in vain. Life was hanging on uncertainty and complaint.    Ajith and Anupama decided to take a relationship break for a while. Their families concurred, believing this little hiatus might bring some adjustments and the situation will reconcile. Tears brewed up in their eyes. Yet the families felt this decision was wise.  Unfortunately, nothing worked right. Ajit’s behaviour worsened a person who was once so polite. The distance between them only grew. They lost hope and finally withdrew.  The two decided to get separated on mutual grounds and filed for divorce. Neither of them wanted to thread the relationship by force. On the work front, Ajit was an outstanding performer. But his co-workers were unhappy and felt his arrogant attitude torture. Soon complaints against him escalated. Rather than changing, fuss he often created.  Days and months moved by. An optimist once upon a time desired to die. The clock ticked. External pressures ruled his life, and he felt his wings clipped.  He watched his colleagues climb the ladder, and his dreams crumble. He felt frustrated and often used to grumble.   Seeing his downfall, he soon resorted to smoking and drinking. This led to overall health deterioration and every part of his body started aching.  Reema, Ajit's colleague, informed Anupama and advised her to take him to a counsellor. On humanitarian grounds, she tried, but Ajit was too adamant and refused to listen to her.  Neither had he wanted to seek help or change. He often flew into a fit of rage. At last, he lost his job and led a lonely life. Everyone stayed away from him due to his ego and wrath that came his way like a sharp knife.  The pages of the calendar shifted. The dark clouds overhead never got lifted.  Due to alcohol addiction, his liver failed, and he passed away one day. He left an apology note for his family and forever faded away.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!