Our Love Story

Kirti V posted under PenMuse-42 Poetry on 2022-06-13

My little heart fluttered at the thought, That I have her besides me, I did enjoy and felt immense joy, That she was there, and just let me be. An aura and cheer filled the cold air coz of her lovely presence, Felt immense joy, and I did enjoy, the reason for my mere existence. Least bothered I was, oh! My dearest About stories people said I did enjoy and felt immense joy, When you hugged, comforted me instead. Free from the shackles that bound us tight called the societal norm, Felt immense joy, and I did enjoy, When our life, of XX, cooked up a storm.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!