Pansy -My Pal

I think it’s 6.50 on the Sunday morning when I woke up. It was slightly drizzling and cool, the plants in my container garden swayed as if supplying rich fresh air. Hardly I dream of waking up at that time. Being in the rat race for almost 20 years, it’s out of question. Yeah, it’s me who always invites the sun to shine on and bring in a fresh another dawn!! Determined to laze off the whole day, switched on the washing machine and went into the kitchen to prepare my morning cup of coffee.
My neighbors, the Sharmas’ switched on their motor … “Ah, the whirring sound...hmm, not yet fixed!” I could hear the baby crying from the first floor and the mother pacifying it. “Why does it cry so much?” The train wheels “Clickety-clack, clickety clack...” on the track at a distance from my building.... With the fresh aromatic coffee mug in my hand I stepped into my balcony. A sip and then stared at the picture of mine of the coffee mug, “Isn't the job putting on me too much. Just 2 years and what a difference!” The dark circles around my eyes, the double chin is annoying me these days. Few day ago, Eeswar my son said, “Amma you look old”. Sighing, I glanced again at me on the coffee mug. It was a gift by my students on the teacher's day.
Sipping coffee, saw Krishna Murthy Uncle, the retired bank employee watering his plants. All at once, a hummingbird flew off my balcony railing and perched on the windowsill chirping. Something moved in me that I came up with a shallow saucer from inside, poured some water and pushed it towards the windowsill. Stealthily it came up and drank the water. Palling out in silence for a few minutes, it flew away chirping. There was a feeling of contentment within me, humming I enjoyed the cool breeze touching my cheeks.
Next day, the Monday morning as usual the Sharma’s whirring motor, the baby’s cry, the chook chook of the train went unnoticed as usual. Packing snacks boxes, at about the same time, I heard the chirping of the hummingbird. “Is it louder today or am I keen in noticing it?” Putting a halt to packing went to the balcony and found the hummingbird on the windowsill again. I brought a saucer with water and placed there. It drank and flew away. This repeated now daily.
May be a month passed by now my cute little Pansy, that’s how we named it, has a bird feeder, a water mister and a wind chime. I add a few rose petals in the mister to attract even more hummingbirds. Pansy has become my best friend and is ever since giving me joy and happiness in this monotonous life. It rests on my palm, plays with my fingers, fills contentment in me and leaves. It brings a smile on my face every morning.
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