Papu Chacha

Anamika Kundu posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Flash Fiction on 2024-08-04

Vivek refused to believe his uncle was the culprit. His very own Papu chacha!

All his growing up years he idolised the man.

But the evidence was right in front. The house with the blue door… and Papu chacha’s blue scooter parked in front.

It all began a few days back. He had woken up late and dawdled a little longer over his breakfast, wondering whether to drop his glass of milk or simply leave it on the table. Rushing out of the door with a “Bye Mom!” he ran after the bus. It’s twinkling tail lights, turned at the bend.  He had missed it.

While he trotted, balancing his bag, he heard a strange sound from the hedge alongside. There stood a dwarf, like the ones he had seen painted in his childhood fairy tale books. “Whoa! Are you real?”

“Of course you late Latif!” guffawed the tiny creature.

“You can speak my language?” asked Vivek incredulously.

“I was commanded by my Queen to warn you! Thor knows what she sees in you!”

At this Vivek stumbled and nearly fell flat on his face.

“Beware a blue motor vehicle and a blue door! Your life is in danger!”

“What do you mean?” asked he anxiously, while the little creature seemed to dissolve in the leaves and bushes.

Who is this Queen? Why was she warning him? And what did the message mean?

A scooter stopped beside him and the masked rider asked him to get on. “No way,” he shouted. “C’mon Vivek, your life is in danger…  I have to take you to safety, Queen’s orders.” Hearing this, he jumped on gripping the rider. It was a relief not to have to foot it any more.

The scooter was zipping through the morning traffic and soon raced ahead of the school bus. His friends were shocked to see Vivek with a masked rider, going at top speed. “Follow him uncle… Vivek is being kidnapped!”


“Stop! Stop!” yelled Vivek.

The masked rider was riding like the wind. “Nearly there,” he said.

Suddenly the road became very quiet, one could hear their heart beat and their doubts scream!

There was no vehicle on the road and they had stopped in front of a quaint house with blue windows. Parking in a jiffy, the masked rider led him around the house.

He stopped running when he saw the door. A small blue door.

“Cmon Vivek!” urged the man as he pushed on.

Once inside, he locked the door.

It was warm, cosy and very comfortable. The aroma of pancakes filled every crevice. Cinnamon invaded his nostrils. As his mouth began to water his senses were lulled.

“We are here Darling!” the man said in a voice which somehow seemed familiar.

A large door slowly opened and there stood the most enigmatic lady ever. An angelic face, a silvery gown and a golden crown nestled on her head. Her cold dark eyes looked at him as she whispered, “Welcome my child!” and extended her cold hand for a shake.

Too astonished, Vivek turned to ask his companion what to do, only to see him on his knees, with his head bowed.

Looking back and forth, he decided to do the same.

“Thank you for bringing him, Darling!” she muttered to the masked man as she extended her hand for him to take.

Vivek looked at them from under his lashes and felt very uncomfortable. Something was not right.

And that’s when he realised he was handcuffed!!!

“Put him in the room at the back and lock him up. Did you send the ransom note to his mother yet?”

Vivek broke down then.

“Leave me …What have I done? … What do you want?”

The lady started laughing… like a witch! High pitched and maniacal. Unceremoniously he was thrown into a dingy room.

Muttering to himself through tears of anger and frustration,, he prayed in earnest to Hanumanji to help him, promising to be good for the rest of his life. Hours slipped by…

 He could hear voices, one was familiar… It was his Papu chacha. He ran out thankful that he had been rescued. But  a strange sight greeted him. The wicked lady and chacha were having coffee together. The mask lay beside.

As he peered at them he realised it was none other than Papu chacha who had kidnapped him. It was his blue scooter that stood gleaming nonchalantly beside the blue door.