Parallel Lines

Priya Washikar posted under PenMuse-60 Poetry on 2024-02-13

Touted as Nemesis and Sun; they were two hearts that beat as one. But, ‘twas easier said than done! “What went wrong, I could never surmise”, forlornly asked he. “You showered me with jewels as opulent as can be, when all I ever wanted was a li'l respect”, said she Oh! She'd missed those telltale signs. Though for him her heart still pines; they're now like parallel lines. “This won’t last”, some said. Ignoring the dread; she followed, he led. They're no longer close. Retreating she chose, from her wistful woes!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!