Pastoral Reflections

Achla Nagar posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-14

[Setting: A serene meadow, two shepherds, Theo and Leo, tend to their flock]

Gentle breeze rustles the grasses
Softly swaying, a soothing melody
As we tend to our flock, I ponder
The meaning of life, and love's mystery
In this tranquil scene, I find my peace

Yet, amidst beauty, darkness lurks
Injustices, and social ills that plague
Our world, a stark contrast to this meadow
We must not forget, the struggles beyond

Indeed, my friend, we must stay aware
And use our voices, to speak out against
The wrongs that afflict, our fellow humans
And strive for a world, where all can thrive
In balance with nature, our hearts can heal