Pet Rescue With Polly Pocket

Sreshta Jenni posted under CrewToon Flash Fiction on 2021-11-14

Thanksgiving holidays started and I was back from school early. I planned to laze, watch the latest episodes of Polly Pocket on Netflix and crunch on some popcorn before the dinner. As I started watching the episode, there was a bright spark on the TV screen blocking my vision, I took off my glasses to check. "Sreshtaa...  over here..." A tiny voice called out startling me. "Oh!! come on I'm right here next to your remote. Can't you see me? said the voice again. "WHEREE!", I screamed. "Go big...,” said the voice. Whoooshhh!!! and there I see my favorite Polly along with her BFF's Shani and Lila waving at me. I rubbed my eyes to soak in this fan girl moment. "Polly? Are you really here?", I asked. "Hey Sreshta!  We are happy to meet you in person!"  We have a problem and could really use your help!", said Shani. "Me? But why me? Is this even real?", I asked. "Well, you love watching our adventures and we need someone whom Griselle Grande, our super-villain cannot recognize.”, said Lila. "Of course! Now tell me what happened.”, I asked curiously. "Well... We 3 turned ourselves tiny using the magic locket to play obstacles with our pets. But they smelled food in the air and ran off to the cart before we grew big and control. Out of nowhere, Griselle Grande appeared and forced us to give away my magical locket", explained Polly. "We managed to trick her. But she somehow trapped our pets and now we have time till dusk or else we should give up Polly's locket", said Shani. "Both my locket and the pets are important.”, said Polly with a sad face.  "Oh! Don't be sad Polly, I think we all can work together!", I supported. "But how can I come into your world?" "Just hold our hands, close your eyes, and wish upon my locket", said Polly.  So, I closed my eyes excitedly and the next second I was in Littleton town. I was looking just like them, a mini cartoon of myself. "WOW!", I look great Polly, I exclaimed. "So, here's my plan", I said. "Let’s get to her house and I will create a distraction while you guys can sneak through the door turning super tiny. She doesn't know me so would end up making conversations for some time."  "But won't we be caught.", said Lila biting her nails. "Duhh! Not if my locket is there to rescue", winked Polly. "Ok let’s all go and give this a shot guys", I said. When we reached Grande's house, I said, " Let me knock the door and start the conversation. Will try to hold her for some time, meanwhile try to be quick girls." We group hugged wishing luck and I walked towards the door. Ding Dong! Here I am ringing the villain Griselle Grande's doorbell. Hope this is not another silly dream, spoke my inner self.  Eww, is this how she looks, quite old to see in real, I thought as Griselle Grande opened the door. "Hello Mam! Hope you are having a good day. I am here to inspect your house.", I said politely.  "What? We don't need a house inspection!   Who called you in? Don't you look too young to be an inspector? questioned Griselle . While I was trying to convince her, Polly, and her friends grew super tiny and sneaked into her house.  "Its mandatory mam, your neighbors complained about some garbage smell behind the house, and I need to inspect further", I said making a brave face. "FINE!!!!, let’s go and check", said Griselle turning back making my friends startled. "Ahhh!! Mam lets walk from your garden, don’t trouble yourself", I said and signaled my friends to escape. "Whatever!", said Griselle. As we reached the backyard and started inspecting, Polly found the pets tied in the basement and turned them tiny too. They all escaped together before we returned. Tiny Shani came back for me. With great difficulty, she managed to climb up on me and said our plan was successful. I convinced Grande that she was right and there is no issue. We managed to escape too. Polly and her BFFs were super happy and thanked me for all the help. We hugged each other and I said this was the best adventure of my life. I was sent back to my world before dusk. My mom was already calling out for dinner. Great I'm back on time, I thought. Glossary : Polly pocket is an animated show featuring a 11 years old Polly who discovers a world of unlimited adventures with her friends Lila and Shani once she inherits a magical locket that allows her to shrink 4 inches tall. Together, Polly and her friends protect the locket from the shady Griselle and Gwen Grande [ratemypost] Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!