Poetry in My Life

Madhusudan posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-21

Poetry to me is  an enchanting elaboration of my thoughts and opines, my hidden emotions, my inexpressible desires of varied hues and kinds.  A soul-soothing solace, a break from the humdrum of life and treacherous people. An escape to the world full of love and peace. Where humanity thrives in all its glory full of aplomb. Limericks give me a chance to relive my childhood time with it's full of fun theme and humour. Haikus are my sole tryst with natural beauty and all its bounties. From celestial bodies to gushing waterfalls. Unrequited love to the pitiable state of society, can be well-versed in villanelle. The subtle touch of Romanticism can aptly be observed in Shakespeare's sonnet. The touch of tanka make it all the more worthwhile Penning verses is akin to baring my heart and all its inhibitions. It's preserving my sanity, protecting my emotions. In short, poetry is my life. _____________________ _____________________