Rain, A Blessing

Ratnaprabha Raykar posted under Poetry on 2023-08-06

Rain , you are a blessing Slither down silently , Bringing joy,solace cheer Look up in gratitude Never fail year by year Rain you are a blessing Scorched by the summer Sun Soil goes soft and supple With your touch,golden,grand To give life a suckle Rain, you are a blessing Smoothen lines of worry You light up hopes of ryots Sprinting them on to work Labour hard to reap fruits Rain you are a blessing Yet sometimes you glare too Flooding houses and towns Bereft of warmth ,shelter It’s their own infractions Rain, you are a blessing It’s time we realise Breach,break or violate Gaia,our nurturer Lest our abode abate     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!