
The depths of this dungeon had crushed and buried me in utter darkness. With not a soul in sight, my senses were aching and screaming in agony. I was finding it difficult to breathe in fresh air. My parched soul longed to feel that first drop of rain upon my form.
I screamed, "I can't bear the burns any longer. I will soon die if the heavens don't shower their mercy upon the lands..." and broke down. My faint sobs only fell on deaf ears.
The darkest confines did not let me see the light of the day. So, I couldn't really figure out if it was day or night. A tiny crack on the marquee above offered me a tiny bit of breath to catch up on; but that wasn't enough. I felt nauseous and claustrophobic. I constantly felt as if the heat and the enclosed spaces were cramping and choking me while leeching every inch of life out of my body. To be dumped and imprisoned in absolute solitude was tougher than I had anticipated.
"How I wish my family were here. Why was I chosen to be separated? Is this some sort of a lesson? Is this what they call Karma?" I wondered aloud.
I hadn't really done any wrong as long as my memory could stretch. I pondered deeper just to dig out that one event where I had sinned to beget this retribution.
Just then, it felt like the heavens had heard my prayers. A soft breeze began blowing upon the lands. The warm air started getting cooler and cooler. My tender skin felt the faint whiff of breeze canoodling my skin. A sense of relief washed upon me.
Gentle drops of pitter- patter splashed upon the landscape.
"These sounds feel like a symphonic melody to my ears. How much I longed for them..." I moaned in delight.
My auditory senses were turned on by the rhythmic pattern crafted by the rain drops. As the shriveled lands absorbed the falling water droplets from the heavens, the scents of petrichor emanated the spaces. My olfactory senses were kindled in delight.
I eagerly lapped up a few drops that reached me through those crevices, quenching my yearning gullet and anointing my soul.
The inner joy knew no bounds. I wriggled and jiggled in the tiny little space there was. An eager sense of relief washed upon me as my brain revamped itself to fabricate this little song...
"A misty drizzle enlivens magical moods,
Like a cryptic puzzle that nature exudes,
A ray of hope and life transudes,
With mystic codes to cope solitude..."
I absorbed each drop in sheer ecstasy. By morning, my dried and withered skin had distended to finally sprout into a new life. A seedling was fabricated from within...
My dainty head finally emerged from the inky abyss of gloom to witness serenity in the form of a golden light and the most magnificent rainbow upon the azure skies. I was reborn!
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