As I write my story, I unveil a life I have lived through ups and downs, through bends and curves, through sharp ends and rough paths but I came through it all.
Married in 1990 to young handsome man who then worked at the airport. He was simple guy that was portrayed to me, but full of life and love I fell in love with him instantly when I first laid my eyes on him at the airport. He used to work at the airport as an airport representative.
From then on, we had been dating for six and half years. He was the sixth child in a family of 10 children. I had a tough time through my dating him, for one was a big Romeo and had many girlfriends, but I really don’t know what got to me that I challenged everyone and myself that I would have him for me. I use to tell off all his girlfriends one by one until I got him for myself.
I finally succeeded and got married blessed with three beautiful children. Life was amazing we were so in love even after marriage and our children too were like us very loving and everywhere we went, we all went together.
We were both working, and then he too moved to the Gulf as I was already working here. Children began their schooling and life was busy, then one day in mid-May he had a heart attack and was then operated for an open heart surgery that was successful. Life went on and one day he was in an accident and had internal bleeding and in a few days after lying in coma he did come back to life but in 10 days he was gone. It was that accident that took his life. He was gone in a jiffy.
I stood there staring at blank walls and three small children. I was too young to be a widow and he was too young to die so soon. I felt helpless and felt as if I had lost my hands, I sobbed at nights as the days I was as bright as sunflower all smiling and putting aways my burdens. But I accepted what was God’s will I found out that no one was interested in my children or me or even bothered to come and talk to me or ask what I was going to do. That was it I murmured to myself. I had to decide for myself, and I just prayed to God to give me so much strength to move on and I bet you I was blessed. It was very difficult the first year. I could not understand with one salary how I would be able to manage my three children. We moved from a two bedroom to a one bed apartment. I worked double shift and struggled to keep my tears all bottled up. I had a job and was somehow managing everything, but after two years I lost that job, things began to topple, my world went topsy turvy.
My pillow as wet at night and come morning I was laughing and joking and enjoying life. I missed him terribly, I had fought against all odds to get him and then to lose him suddenly. I could not understand, but then again, I had asked God and he granted me my wish.
I used to pay my children school fees through the credit card. Then one day I lost my job that was the end, I thought to myself, I panicked and used to drink to get sleep at night, I used to look for jobs and was ready to take up any job just to feed my children, this was the time I would need relatives and friends but no I seemed to be invisible to them. I did not want to take any stress nor show my children what I was going to through I began to use my savings, then sold the little gold I had and continued life, my daughter then was in grade 9 she also helped pay her school fees by giving tuitions, my son did some odd jobs and looked after himself. The nun in the school she was studying was very kind and then realised she sopped asking for fees but was paying it herself. I am so thankful for God and his wonderful ways of helping me.
In the between all this my sister-in-law one day comes to my house and I was surprised but not to ask about us but to ask how much her later brother got from the company I was so mad at her and I told her point blank that the brother who had accompanied her had borrowed money from me that she should ask him, she got mad at me and stomped out of my house and banged my door I laughed to myself and thought what kind of people these were. I had completely stopped talking to my in-laws and kept them at bay. They would still harass me somehow or the other, but I kept my praying and took each day as it came. All through the time my husband was alive they would constantly ask him for money, and he would send them, and I would just keep quiet.
In all this I was still not able to find a job I had enough on my plate, but I did not give up. Now the banks had started chasing me for the credit and I told them once I find a job I would return the money, but I was helpless and was on a visit visa, to live in the Gulf you need to have a visa. I was then staying on a visit visa, I truly had guts and strength, I did not want to give up.There was this day when I was exiting the country to come in on another visit visa I was arrested at the border. I was with my youngest daughter – who could speak only English and no other language. I told her not to worry about me but to call her older sister and to stay on the bus that were traveling together on. Funny they let her go without a visa, but God had been my only help here. I managed to call my older one and told her everything she then said, ‘mama you take care of yourself I will do the needful’.
Here I was taken to different prisons the whole night I was tired and hungry, I did not know what the future has in hold for me, but I went with the flow. Now it was Ramadan time here and it is very strict in the Gulf you cannot eat or drink at any time.
Finally, they brought me to big woman’s prison in Abu Dhabi, there were thousands of them, and all lived like one happy family. They were staring at me, but I could not be bothered. The warden gave me blanket a pillow and showed me a bed. I sat on the bed and did not know what the time was, but all I did was pray the whole time. It was early morning as I heard the azan go, then a lady officer came shouting calling out names she called out my name too, I went to her and asked her if I could drink water from the tap nearby, she said yes. Then we hurried and taken in a jeep to the court. There we were made to sit and wait for our names to be called I kept praying. My turn came the judge called me in and he said to me ‘mam do you know why you are here? I said yes that I had owed the bank money I told him, I had lost my job and my husband and looking for another job, I told him I have three children and would certainly return the money as soon as I got a job. He asked me’ what do you want me to do ‘I said Sir you can give me a small fine with a half-smile’ believe me he imitated me and then asked me to wait outside. It took an hour and the police officer said that I need to go back to the jail I was worried if I was stuck it coming to the weekend that would be three days inside and I prayed to God to take me out.
At about 4pm the court bearer came; he was calling out names of the ladies and then called me I ran to him he said don’t you want to go? I was like of course what do I need to do he said you need to pay a small fine and go. I had a little money in my wallet, and I asked him if I could make a call as they had confiscated everything from me. He said yes, I called my sister and told her to arrange the balance money and to come quickly. She gave me the money I gave it to the court-bearer he made me sign a document and I left with all happiness on my face, many ladies there were asking me how come you can get to go so soon, I told them you all were sleeping but I was praying the whole night and so God helped me.
No next day I had to exit the country I left and went to Bombay where my younger daughter was, but I was fed-up and stressed as my money whatever I had was running out, my daughter was missing school, I used to get her notes on WhatsApp and make her write it on notebooks. I was living with an alcoholic sister who was so troublesome. I kept my prayers going and trying to find some help. I had a pair of earrings and so I messaged a few people and said to them I could give you the money here if anyone could give me money in Dubai. Finally, after a few days later a lady said yes, she asked me to transfer the amount into her account, I did so and then she gave the money to my travel agent in Dubai. I happily booked my flight and another visit visa for my daughter and myself.
Next day we boarded the flight and when we landed at Dubai, I realised that I may not be able to enter the country as I had a court case on me, here again I told my daughter you go out and wait and if in case I don’t come out soon to call your sister and go home and I would come. In the Gulf if you have a court-case they don’t allow you for six months and for me it was only three months. Anyways I did not know what was going to happen, but I took the next big step. I greeted the immigration officer and he said to me so madam you have a court case and I said yes, and I told him innocently, but I have paid the fine, he said with a smile yes welcome to Dubai, you can imagine my mad joy I had I literally pulled the passport from his and ran out of the airport. My heart was beating like a drum and running like a train on the track without any stops. I was so blessed, and joy was overflowing I just wanted to dance and rejoice; I wanted to sing and shout with joy but I had a life ahead of me and yet another blank page which I did not know how I am going to fill.
We came home and I told my older children and my sister the whole ordeal, but I did not grumble. I just said to them I had faith in God, and he had helped me.
I found good job in Abu Dhabi and life began with a new leaf. I paid all my dues to anyone I had owed and worked earnestly and kept going. But again, due to their local rules I lost my job again.
Today my two older children are working in Dubai and my younger one is in final year University. I lost my hob in Abu Dhabi and due to covid could not find another job, but God is great and after four long years I was blessed with another job and half my salary, but I took it up and I thanked God. In all this I had bought an apartment and managed to overpay them in fines but proud that I have my own house now and no more loans.
I rejoice when I think of how I came out through all this drama in life. I never gave up and always kept smiling and taking one day at a time.
Above all I can is that I could and still rejoice and thank God for everything. Rejoice and pray in all your ups and downs and God will lead you to greener pastures. He will lead you to what you want, but you need to be patient and have faith and wait.
My wait is over, I am now helping orphanage children whenever and with whatever I can. As I know what it is to be without a parent, food and shelter or money.
But with joy in my heart and thanksgiving to God I praise Him everyday as still I know that anything can happen any time but with faith in God I would be saved.
I end my saying thank you Lord for all your blessings bestowed upon my children and me.
As I end this little story I say rejoice and be happy whatever is tha tyou are going through will not happen if you stay stressed or worried, so give it up and get moving.