Rekha’s Ramble

Rekha Ambegaokar posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-14

I answer to Rekha, second of four sisters Born in the summer heat of 1962 To a Mom and Dad who believed in love  They are no more but live within us A daughter of Mumbai, my beloved city Its hustle and bustle suits me just fine Since childhood, my dream was to be a doctor Which is exactly what I am today I love my profession, which I believe Rather than prayers, takes me closer to God I deliver babies, keep women healthy My work is tremendously soul satisfying Mother of three, a daughter and two sons  They are triplets, now thirty years old whom I love A family so dear, I am blessed My husband and sisters, my very best friends I like to search for silver linings And look for a rainbow to guide my path As I grow older, I would like to leave a mark Perhaps writing that novel is a good start     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!