Reminiscing into Oblivion

Abshaar Saeed posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-10

The kettle whistles and my eyes opens swiftly Unfamiliar walls, objects and a scent A woman holding a tray walks by briskly She hands me cup from which threads of steam ascent Leading me to the fragmented world that puzzles A flash of memory, laughter, cry, or a song Oh! I remember her name but the face dazzles The night lamp flickers and my day goes along Today, basking in the Sun on grass so green My wrinkled hands in young hands with smile warmly drawn My son I know from the pictures I have seen But suddenly the ground shakes, and he is withdrawn Words clear in my mind tangles on my tongue People probe me with memories and questions My answers are but by stuttering silences strung So I wonder, What bears my heart, virtues or transgressions? Through minutes hundred conversations runs in my head Emotions rise and fall from anger to sadness These people I talk to, are they alive or dead Thoughts quiver as I ask next- Do I scatter into oblivion or madness? Author's Note:  Dementia is loss of thinking, remembering and reasoning skills which is very common in old age. These people experience varied symptoms from strange perceptions like earthquakes to problems in having a normal conversation. In progressive stages they cannot discern imagination from reality.  This poem is a depiction of their state of mind when interacting with people.  _____


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