Remnants of Love 

Nisha Tandon posted under PenMuse-34 Poetry on 2021-10-11

Absence of trust in a relationship  Becomes a legit reason for estrangement  Creating a rift that's impossible to fill  Despite the remnants of love , that haunt Enduring pain that's amaranthine and  Forgetting the unfading moments of desire Grief overwhelms and overpowers as Hopes shatter like myriad pieces of mirror  Igniting within , hatred that's unvanquished Jeopardising chances of reunion Loneliness befriends them as they fall victim to  Manipulations of the soul that's naive  Nothing helps to heal the broken hearts  Once distances grow, there's a point of no return People become brusque and unempathetic  Questions from well wishers are evaded  Raised eyebrows bring discomfort  So much so that one hides self in a cocoon  To avoid confrontation and embarrassment  Unnerved by the deluge of solemn promises Vows, made in happier times are broken  Wisdom is the only key to realise that  Xenial they should be despite conflicts as Yearnings of the heart don't ever succumb and  Zeal helps in an amorous entanglement   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!