Requiem For A Dream

Anne Adarsh posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-17

A dream died the other day A silent, unseen death It means nothing to you It meant everything to me I went hurtling down I hit rock-bottom It still means nothing to you It came from the depths of me My old mama says  Dream a new dream For dreams are your children Born out of the ashes Out of the dying embers of your soul Out of the heartcries you cry In the dead of the night They spring forth into being They give you a reason  To taste your tears and smile To embrace the happy sun To jump and touch the sky To simply be, she says They are your legacy, she says Carrying the DNA of your very being Carrying your world within them So I will dream a new dream, I say I will create and nurture it, I say But like the dead never can return So will this one stay, cold and gone I will grieve the one that died I will adorn its epitaph  With love songs and carnations With empty, eloquent poetry And could it be possible? Oh, would it even be possible? That this horrid heartache? That this harrowing hollow? Could birth a new vision? A vision larger-than-life itself? I await the birth pangs   It means everything to me. ___


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