Reset Your Mindset

Sheela Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-43 on 2022-07-17

Celesty is a software developer whose dream was to reach for the stars. Being focused at work and valuing time helped her grow within a short period. The Managing Director and her immediate boss were impressed by her performance. The business intended to continue luring in new clients. So they submitted their bid and awaited the outcome. The tender opened, and the contract went to her organisation. Celesty was in-charge of this new project and saw it as a significant opportunity. As usual, she put her heart and soul.  Many challenges awaited her. But, what troubled her the most was the dirty politics, played within the department. She chose to ignore it and worked hard. She completed the project before the deadline.  The client was impressed and offered them another project. Though Celesty felt thrilled, she had mentally prepared to resign after coming back from a short break as stress was taking a toll on her health. The following morning streets were illuminated subtly by the rising sun. She packed her backpack, grabbed her car keys, and left. She had intended to travel to a nearby village, away from the bustling city. Due to heavy traffic, her car moved at 40/60 kmph. But as soon as she crossed the city roads, she hit the accelerator, and the wheels spun. A short while later, Celesty’s phone chimed. It was her boss who was calling. She turned on her Bluetooth and responded. Her boss wanted to discuss the upcoming project. She informed him she was on the steering wheel and disconnected. On her left, she saw some young boys playing football enthusiastically. She slowed down her car to watch them before hitting the accelerator again. Just then, a message popped up. It was from her boss. He wanted her to start the project with immediate effect. Instantly Celesty was transported back to the bitter challenges she had parked at bay. A sob rose at the back of her throat, and she lost control of her steering wheel and bumped into one of the buffaloes in the herd moving forward.  The buffaloes bellowed, the boys shouted, and the birds flew shrieking from the trees. Fortunately, the buffalo got saved. Celesty sighed in relief.  Celesty unlocked her car door and got behind the wheel. Suddenly a voice interrupted her, “Challenges turn into opportunities if faced with vigour, and you seem to be a coward.” She rolled her eyes and found her doppelganger standing there.  Those words hit her hard. She fought back. “No, I am not a coward.”  “I will stay strong and not allow any negative emotions to hijack my brain,” she mumbled  Two days later, she returned and, Shred, her resignation letter kept in the drawer of her desk, took complete ownership of the new project and worked with great enthusiasm.  With this positive attitude and growth mindset, she achieved several milestones and reached the height that she dreamt of and still going strong.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!