Rethink and Rewind your Civilization

Preeti Brahmin posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-19

Rethink and rewind your civilization, Back to an age of simple needs ,says Nature. In treading slow  you will  know cohesion. Your billion mouths  or gluttons of evolution? Strife and want loom large in the near future Rethink and rewind your civilization, Need  less, take least-call up a civil gumption , Pray at least for my ghastly wounds to suture. In treading slow you will know cohesion. Your own bed afire - what foolish ambition! Your deeds  call up to mind  often a lucifer. Rethink and rewind your civilization. You bear your mother gifts- venom and  affliction A sad Midas, your touch does not yield a treasure In treading slow you will know cohesion. Therefore refrain- take good stock and a caution.  Else the  Retribution in store will cost you  dear.  Rethink and rewind your civilization, In treading slow  you will know cohesion.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!