Rise-Up and Paint Your Destiny

“Hellooo, Isla, good morning. I tried reaching you but couldn’t. Please call me whenever you are free.” A voice message from Lily was waiting for Isla. Both were pen friends and often calling each other was like a ritual. In those days, there were no smartphones. So, video calling was not possible.
They have never met one another for the last ten years but share a good bond.
“Hi, Lily. Good morning. Sorry, I missed your calls and messages. I got up from sleep just now as I was not keeping well last night.” Isla called Lily and said.
“What happened, friend? Is there anyone who can take care of you?” Lily asked with concern in her voice.
“Don’t worry. I am feeling better. I can take care of myself. As it is, I don’t trust nor need anyone.” Isla replied, slightly irritated.
“Calm down, Isla. Why do you always sound irritated? Why do you prefer to stay alone? The world is beautiful. Trust me. Since I have never met you in person, I won’t judge or have an opinion about you. However, I think you should come out of your shell and socialize with people. You will surely feel good. Don’t be an introvert, my friend.” Lily said, trying to calm Isla.
“People find me arrogant and cynical. Maybe I’m cynical, but I really don’t think any of that stuff works for anyone who is truly broken. Serves us better to just keep barreling forward and hope the demons can’t keep up, so you might as well be who you are.” Isla muttered with a tinge of sadness and bitterness.
"Ah, my dear Isla, cynicism is toxic. Why are you obsessed with the notion that the world will let you down, so you might as well turn your back to it first?
Fire often burns from embers of resilience. Similarly, the ability to recover quickly from a crisis and bounce and thrive should be our quality instead of allowing cynicism to make a home inside us. Sometimes, accepting our brokenness and letting go of things beyond our control is the only way to illuminate our path.
However, remember that expecting too much from others may leave you feeling incredibly low. It will take away your peace. So you need to strike a balance when you talk to people and make friends.” Lily replied, her words reflecting years of wisdom.
“You have no idea what I have gone through. So it is easy for you to advise. I was not born thick-skinned, nor was I an introvert. Qualities like being kindhearted, empathetic and an extrovert were beaten down by my bitter experiences and situations.” Isla said in a low tone.
“True, advising someone is simple, but comprehending their concerns is arduous. Anyhow, I phoned you to let you know that I intend to travel to India by the end of this month. I'll be in touch soon. Please share your address.” Lily said.
“That’s great news, Lily. See you soon,” Isla replied before hanging up the phone.
Except for 'Good Morning' text messages sent over the following few days, they did not speak or phone one another.
Finally, the day arrived. Isla was delighted to meet someone face-to-face after a very long time. A smile crept across her face. She prepared dishes that she hadn't done in a while.
Isla's heart raced as she impatiently stood at the door to receive Lily. A car screeched to a halt at the gate, and a tall lady with a beautiful sea-blue, colour saree got down. She was facing the driver of the cab to pay him.
Isla rushed out and asked, “Is that you, Lily?”
Lily turned back and smiled, “Yes, it’s me.”
Isla did not blink her eyes and kept looking at Lily. “You aaa..are Lily?” Isla stuttered.
“Yes, my dear Isla. I know what you are thinking. Now, can I come in, please?” Lily smirked and said.
“Yeah, sure. I am sorry. Please come in. Keep your bags in the room behind the dining table, to the right.” Isla said, still unable to digest that Lily is a transgender.
“I never intended to conceal my identity, but I kept quiet out of fear that I might lose a wonderful friend like you. You are aware of how people view a third gender. Also, I thought you'd ask me about my heavy and unusual voice whenever we spoke, but you never did.
So I, too, did not mention it. I am sorry if I have hurt you unintentionally. Today, nevertheless, people's perspectives have shifted. Lily said.
“Never mind, Lily. I understand what a fear can do. Come, let’s have our meal.” Isla said, making Lily feel comfortable with her words.
“Thank you, Isla, for understanding and accepting me the way I am,” Lily replied.
“What made you visit India after so many years?” Isla questioned Lily.
"My father got in touch with me after seeing my video online, published by a company on their website. That’s how I came to know about his whereabouts. I will finally see him after 39 years.” Lily said with tears in her eyes.
“Which video? 39 years?? You had some time back told me that you are turning fifty soon. Right? So you left home when you were eleven? Why?” Isla poured questions.
“Yes, I will share everything. First, suggest some good hotels to stay in.” Lily answered.
“Ok. There is a good hotel in the next lane. You can inquire there in the evening. But for now, you rest. Will talk to you later.” Isla said and closed the room door behind her.
Isla pulled a chair and sat near the window, gazing outside and speculating what Lily's issue might be that required her to be apart from her parents for eons.
By evening, Lily moved her stuff to the hotel and returned to Isla's home to spend time with her. She had planned to visit her father the next day.
“So, tell me your story, Lily. Why are you away from your parents?” Isla started the conversation.
“Yes, Surely. I will share, but before that, I'd like to know why you decided to live your life as a cynic." Lily queried.
“Hmm….That is a long story.” Isla responded, heaving a sigh.
“Please go ahead. I'm all ears,” Lily replied.
“Ok. Well, not one event, but a series of events and experiences have shaped me into the person I am today.
The day I was born, my father died in a car mishap. My grandparents, especially my grandmother, told my mom to dump me. According to her, I was not lucky for the family. Moreover, I was a girl. But she obviously couldn’t, and we both had to leave the house. She later found a partner who promised to take care of and treat me as his child. The first few years were good, but soon, he began to show his true colours.
My mom was pregnant by then and felt helpless. When they became parents to their son, he forced my mother to send me to an orphanage, but when she refused, he often hit me, made me drop my school and do all odd jobs. My mother kept quiet as she had two children to bring up and had no financial support.” Isla said, wiping her tears.
Lily extended her hand to grab the glass, poured some water into it, and gave it to Isla and said, “It’s okay to shed tears. That’s the way we vent our emotions, right? If you think sharing those memories will hurt you further, you need not share.”
“No. I am fine.” Isla said and continued her story.
“When I was barely sixteen, my stepfather went to the extent of selling me. I somehow managed to escape from the clutches of the goons.
I called my mother and told her what happened. Instead of supporting me, she yelled at me, saying I was framing my stepfather.
Even though the situation made me resentful, I didn't give up. I did myriad jobs to earn my livelihood. One day, I found a pamphlet. An orphanage wanted a girl to take care of back office duties. I grabbed the job immediately. That’s when I first ran into this boy who was not only raised in the same orphanage but also worked there. We became friends, and our wavelength matched. We often shared our bitter experiences more than good ones. Finally, I thought I had someone who would love me, and we together can lead a better life.
But I was wrong. Troubles had no plans to leave me and wished to walk with me on every path. I was going to settle down in life with him when, one day, I caught him abusing a girl child. He tried to apologize. I slapped him hard on his face and ran to report the incident, but he grabbed me by the hand, dragged me to a deserted area, and beat me up black and blue. He even attempted to assault me.
Fortunately, I managed to flee away. I did not go home and sat on the street sobbing. An elderly couple passing by noticed me in torn clothes. They covered my half-exposed torso and drove me home.
They provided me with a shelter to stay and also fed me. In return, I did all the household chores and looked after the ageing couple. But then bad luck struck again. I had to return to the streets after the couple passed away within a few months.” Isla narrated, her unshed tears stung her eyes.
“Oh, so much you had to suffer. Where did you go from there? How did you survive?” Lily expressed.
“Well, I had no choice but to call my mother for help. She did feel relieved hearing my voice but couldn’t call me home. She suggested I go to my uncle's place, who stayed ten kilometer’s from the point, where I was standing that evening. I succeeded in getting there.” Isla stated.
“Ok. So, at last, you found a place.” Lily whispered.
Yes. But troubles did not end there. My uncle’s wife and daughter never liked me, and now all the more.
On the first day of my stay, my aunt and her daughter hurled abuses at me. My aunt gave me food and a corner to sleep.
The following morning, she removed her maids and asked me to do all the household chores. She agreed to pay me. I felt happy and immediately nodded my head in the affirmative.
Days and months passed, doing all the work like a donkey, but I did not receive a penny. Whenever I asked them for it, my aunt and her daughter would hit me and throw things at me. These scars on my face and arm are the result of their torture.
I couldn’t tolerate physical pain and mental torture anymore. I decided to leave their house. One day, on the pretext of buying groceries, I went out, never to return. I was back on the streets.
My uncle anticipated this would happen and kept some money in my bag without my knowledge. I realized while rummaging something through my backpack. The meagre money that I had, got over in a few days. My tummy grumbled from hunger. I cleaned stalls on the roadside and ate all the leftover food to satisfy my hunger.
There was a magnificent church on the same street opposite where I cleaned the stalls. I rushed in. I went down on my knees, closed my eyes, and with my hands intertwined, I prayed to the almighty to get me out of my pain; To give me a safe place to work and stay. Tears started to flow. My knees hurt, but I did not get up.
A little later, someone from behind touched my shoulder. I opened my eyes with a startle and looked back.
“Don’t worry, my child. Stop crying and tell me your problem. Where is your mother?” The reverend mother of the church said as if the Lord instantly answered my prayers.
I unfolded everything and requested her to give me a job and a place to live. She supported me. From that day onwards, I decided to live life alone with minimal contact. After years, I earned enough to purchase this home. The only friend I talk to is you.” Isla narrated the entire ordeal.
“My sympathies are with you. I comprehend that you have faced a lot of hurdles in life, and you cannot see any ray of hope.” But I would still suggest being cynical is not a solution. The dark clouds of pessimism affect health, career, and relationships in the long run. I can see so many families in and around your society.
Go, mingle with them, talk to the kids, go on trips. You will feel good. I am not saying this will happen overnight, but taking baby steps will help. This is our first meeting, and I can assure you, by nature, you are not arrogant and cynical. The experiences made you one.” Lily advised.
“Hmm. I will certainly try.” Isla responded.
“Good. You will feel the difference. Anyway, I will take your leave now. It's already 11 p.m.” Lily got up to leave with a promise to meet Isla in two days.
“Yes. Sure. I want to hear your part of the story. Hope you don’t mind sharing it with me.” Isla said.
“Not at all. Why would I mind? See you.” Lily waved her hand and left.
Two days later
Lily and Isla decided to meet for lunch. After eons, Isla visited a restaurant. She wore her favourite bright red top that had been hanging in the closet for a while.
“Isla, you look amazing in that red top. Now that, you've taken the first step toward a new life, how do you feel?” Lily excitedly enquired.
Isla smiled back and replied, “I am feeling good. Thank you so much, my friend, for pushing me to take this step. By the way, did you meet your father? How is he?”
“You are welcome, Isla. Yes, I met my father. He is fine.” Lily said.
They had just begun the conversation after placing their order for food when Isla felt a tap on the back. She turned and said, “Yes, do you know me?”
“Isla, right? This is Veena, your school friend. So good to see you. You look the same as you were Twenty-five years back.” Veena exclaimed enthusiastically and complimented.
“Hey, Veena. Good to see you, too. Why don’t you join us for lunch? By the way, she is my friend, Lily.” Isla said, pointing her finger towards Lily and inviting Veena.
“Sorry, I won’t be able to join you guys for lunch. I have a meeting with a client who will arrive any time soon. But I can spare a few moments with you till he arrives. Wait a minute. You are Lily, the author of the book ‘Trying to Make a Difference’?” Veena asked, her eyes popping out in surprise.
Lily smiled and said, “Yes, mam. Have you read my book?”
“Yes, of course. All my friends, too, have read it. Your journey is so inspiring. You have changed the lives of many women.” Veena said and requested for an autograph.
“Sure,” Lily responded politely and signed on a piece of paper that Veena handed her.
“You had moved to New York after completing grade ten. Correct? When did you return to India?” Isla interrupted.
“Yes, my dad wanted me to pursue higher studies at one of the best universities. I spent some time working there after I graduated to gain experience, but I never felt at home there. I returned to India to assist my father and sister in our family business. However, I was not keen on doing that either. While my elder sister carried forward the legacy of our family business, I found joy in social service and working with NGOs. I always wanted to do something for women and children. After gaining experience, I started my NGO. I have been serving the society for a decade.” Veena replied.
"Isla, I've organized a gathering for women who have overcome great adversities. We are going to felicitate them whose success stories have touched myriad hearts and souls. Please do come. Lily, I would appreciate it if you, too, could join us. It will be an honour for all of us. I will forward you the address. Guys, I will take your leave now. My client has arrived. See you at the event.” Veena invited both before stepping out of the restaurant.
“Lily, are you an author? Which book was Veena talking about? I am sorry…but…” Isla said, sounding confused.
“Oh, my dear friend, you don't need to apologize. You spent your life in solitude. How will you be aware of what is happening in the outer world? Yes, I have written a book that speaks about my life struggles and how I bounced back.” Lily said.
“Bounced back?” Isla questioned.
“Yes. Isla, my struggles were no less. If I am successful today, it is because I looked at every obstacle as an opportunity back then. I focused on the solution and not on the problems.
Moreover, I knew everything would be in place if I completed my education. That was my first goal. I, therefore, think it is important to avoid isolating yourself from the outside world and living the life of a hermit or recluse. You'll miss out on opportunities.” Lily answered.
“You are so confident and filled with hope, Lily. I'm curious to learn more about you. Let's head home.” Isla remarked and grinned momentarily.
They booked a cab. Lily rolled down the window glass of the cab and said, “Though I came from a small village, I have visited Mumbai quite a few times. The city has drastically transformed since then. So many new bridges, skyscrapers, and malls have come up. Isla, you should come out quite often. We'll spend a night out together someday. It will be fun. Ok?”
“Sure,” Isla replied.
“By the way, you know I, too, dreamt of staying in a skyscraper when I was young, and I have fulfilled that dream. Not in this town, though. But I am planning to buy a house in Mumbai soon.” Lily said with joy.
Destination on the right, the Google map announced. Their cab screeched to a halt. Both got down and went to Isla’s place.
“Make yourself comfortable. I will get some coffee for both of us.” Isla said and went into the kitchen.
Within minutes, she came out and handed one cup to Lily. While sipping the coffee, they took their conversation ahead.
“Isla, I was born as a male biologically, but as I started growing, I found solace in portraying myself as a female. I cried when my mother cropped my hair. I repeatedly insisted on wearing dresses over a shirt. By the time I turned eight, my parents came to know I was transgender. My mother tried her best to make me understand that I was a boy, but I continued to do what made me happy.
When villagers learned about this, they bullied me and my parents. My father couldn’t take this up and got into drinking. He beat me and my mother mercilessly every day. When I turned eleven, my father asked me to leave his home and disowned me. My mother fell on his feet and pleaded not to take this step, but he pushed her hard. She fell at a distance and hit her head on a sharp object. This resulted in severe bleeding. Before I could rush her to the hospital, she died.” Lily narrated, fighting back her tears.
Lily cleared her throat and looked at her watch. It was 8 p.m.
“Isla, I think we will continue talking tomorrow. I have something important to do that skipped out of my mind. Will take your leave.” Lily said and got up to leave.
“Yeah, sure. Good night, Lily. Take care.” Isla said and waved her hand.
Isla stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. There was a sheen on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. She felt Lily came into her life for a purpose. For the first time in years, Isla felt good as she was no longer a cynic and had transformed completely. That night, Isla slept like a baby.
Due to some emergency, Lily couldn't meet Isla the following day. But late evening, they spoke over the phone.
“Hi, Isla. I am sorry I couldn’t meet. I know you were waiting for me to complete my story. Well, I left my father’s home and wandered the streets. I took shelter on a railway platform, bus depot or under some tree without food and water for four days. I couldn’t control my hunger, and my stomach rumbled hard.
I went inside a store to ask for a slice of bread, but the store owner rebuffed and shoved me. In a fit of rage, I threw a stone at him, and he fell to the ground, blood gushing from his temple and dripping off his jaw.
Two boys working in his store chased and caught me. They took me back to the store. The owner’s face was red with anger. He pulled my right hand and cut off my little finger. I yelled with pain.” Lily said, extending her right hand.
“Oh, God! How can one be so cruel? You had picked up a slice of bread, which is certainly not a crime. Was he even human?” Isla muttered and swallowed a lump in her throat.
“As a result of rejection and bullying, I experienced anxiety and sadness. Suicidal thoughts crept into my mind at a tender age, but I quickly brushed them off. One afternoon, I saw a trans clapping with fingers spread and begging on the street. I went to her and told her about my ordeal. She took me to her community and introduced me to the head of their group.
The head of the community, a woman in her mid-fifties, welcomed me. She gave me to eat and then answered all my questions. I felt good and in safe hands. I expressed my love for studies.
She smiled and said, ‘Look, girl, you will have to earn your living if you need to study. Will you do that?’ I immediately agreed. This was the first time someone called me a girl, and I felt ecstatic within.
I soon began to make money and attended night classes. But it wasn’t an easy ride. Many hurdles came my way. One day, while I was returning home from school, a group of men abducted me and took me to a remote place.
I had blindfolds on. As a result, I was unsure where I was, but I heard two people talking to each other. The deal was to sell me for a hefty amount. My hope started to shrink.
But the woman, whom I called Maa, managed to rescue me through her sources. I couldn’t thank her enough. I decided I would not just survive but thrive, too. I will never lose hope.
I soon graduated with flying colours and made my Maa proud. I will forever be grateful to her for being kind and giving me the best education. She treated me like her own child. I was the only girl in the group who did not beg for a very long time. There were times when others in the group objected and felt this was favouritism, but Maa did not pay any heed and continued to support me.
Within a couple of months, I moved out of India to do my master's. I later found a job there and settled. But here also, I found trans genders struggling to earn their livelihood. So, I decided to start something of my own and create jobs for others as well. Things worked as planned. I could help many, and that gave me inner peace.
Corporates and conglomerates invited me to speak and lead workshops on leadership skills and personal development. When I shared all this with my Maa, she felt delighted and suggested I write a book, an autobiography of self.
I declined her suggestion since I was unsure how people would respond or whether my book would inspire them. However, after giving it some thought, I decided to go for it. Veena was talking about the same book.” Lily said.
“Oh, such a heart-wrenching story. Despite all the difficulties you encountered, you chose to stay optimistic. You are truly an inspiration for many and an amazing person. Can I ask you something?” Isla said.
“Yes, of course. Go ahead.” Lily replied.
“You said you came to India to meet your father. You lost your mother because of him. He disowned you and forced you to live alone on the streets. Why did you agree to meet him? I don’t comprehend.” Isla asked.
“Well, you are right. My father ruined my childhood. For years, I held him responsible for my sufferings. But then I realized that being skeptical all my life or hating him would not do any good to me, nor would I live in peace. It will only consume me like some terminal illness. So, when he called me and apologized, I forgave him and promised to meet him.
My father realized his mistake much later in life, but at least he did it. He wants me to come back. I don’t know whether I will stay with him, but I'll take care of his needs as long as he is alive.” Lily responded.
“True. You are right. How I wish I had not embraced cynicism; I would have lived a better life. Nevertheless, it is never too late to make amends.” Isla remarked.
Isla’s phone buzzed. It was Veena’s message. She had shared the address of the venue. The program was two days later.
Both reached the venue on time. Veena welcomed them and asked them to take their seats in the front row.
The hall was packed with ladies from all walks of life.
“Good evening, beautiful ladies. A very warm welcome to all present here. The felicitation program will soon begin, but before that, I would like to invite a special guest tonight on stage. Please welcome Ms. Lily, the author of the book ‘Trying to Make a Difference’ with thunderous applause.” Veena announced.
Lily was surprised by this gesture. She ascended the stage. The thunderous applause continued, almost for a minute.
Holding the mike, Lily started to speak. Her captivating voice grabbed the attention of the audience.
“Good evening, everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank Ms. Veena for inviting me to this special event. I would also like to congratulate her and the entire team of this NGO, which supports and believes in the strength of women. Congratulations to all the women present here today to share their success stories and who never gave up.
It does not matter what your past was. What matters is your self-belief and determination. Every woman possesses the ability and talent to achieve their goals. Don't look back. Instead, take steps forward to fulfil your dreams.
Now, coming to my book that was released last year. I was aware that my book was available on Indian shelves but wasn't aware that this book touched many hearts and changed lives. I am truly grateful to one and all.
My biological mother passed away at an early age. Today, if I am standing here, it is solely because of my Maa, who looked after me and my needs. But at the same time, I never took undue advantage of her goodness. She encouraged me while I made every effort to climb the ladder.
I have learnt one lesson in life. 'Never surrender'. Struggles and happiness are two sides of the same coin, and those who understand this are ready to deal with challenges. Maybe some might taste success early, while for some, it might take time, but if you surrender, you will be deprived of joy and rewards forever.
No matter how successful a person is in life, they deserve respect. Regardless of gender, treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Lend a helping hand. I express my heartfelt gratitude once again to you all for bestowing love on me.” Lily said and descended the stage.
Lily received a prolonged standing ovation. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes.
The event winded up at 10 p.m. One by one, all the guests left the venue. Veena asked Isla and Lily to stay back.
“Sorry, I made you wait, guys. I need to talk to you about a proposal. Could you please spare a few minutes?” Veena asked.
“Yes, of course.” Isla and Lily both said in unison.
“Ok. Good. I want you both to join my NGO to take it ahead. Will you support?” Veena checked.
“Veena, thank you for the proposal. I, myself, was planning to move back to India for good. I would love to be part of your NGO.” Lily expressed.
“That’s great news, Lily. What about you, Isla?” Veena asked.
“I am in, too, with all my heart. Truly grateful for this opportunity, Veena.” Isla answered with a smile.
Soon, all three started working and shared their responsibilities. Isla looked after administrative functions, and Lily trained and educated underprivileged women and children. She took care of their employment to help improve their social and economic status while Veena organized funds to run her NGO. Their zeal attracted many conglomerates who sponsored and backed this NGO.
Alongside, Isla completed her education and expressed her desire to write a book. She wanted to tell the world her story and how being optimistic helped her deal with every situation.
With the help of Lily, she fulfilled her wish, and her book gained a lot of appreciation and love.
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