
Supriya Bansal posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-16

I stand on the edge of the rooftop And I jump. Down. Time slows, I’m hung in a limbo. The wind whizzes past, crooning symphonies of a life  which once was. Sepia memories slither around, Cradling me. Strangling me. Silvery shards of broken dreams, Gnaw at my skin. Gnash at my bones. I hit the sooty asphalt. My skull splits open. Ruby-red rivulet trickles out, wailing with pain. Resent ‘n rejection apparently  rescinded their reign. The slaty sorrow, spews me out from the seat of its stomach,  the smithereens still stuck in the seam of my spine. Purple- plum scars of yore Pullulate, pall, proliferate  puncture my skin, The cerulean sky around, melts in the blues within. Bronze brambles burgeon stifle, squelch, sedate  my heart the pain, the misery the past plea... a pearly iridescent peace surrounds me, Letting me be. Finally. Free. I’ve been dead a long time... Death has salvaged me. ____
