Satya Niwas

A relieved and satisfied Dheeraj was on the driving seat. Finally the verdict was out for the eight year long court battle!
Today, he had been declared the sole owner of the palatial house of his Master Satya Banerjee. The house was in Kolkata’s prime area. Ironically, Mr. Banerjee’s family had lost the case to the caretaker Dheeraj who was declared the sole nominee in his will.
Everybody had wondered since then, “How could Mr Banerjee do such an injustice?”
So many thoughts flashed in Dheeraj’s mind. He went down the memory lane yet again. He remembered the arguments and the physical altercation, he and Mr Satya’s son had when the will was read. Had it not been for the presence of attorney,the angry son would have killed Dheeraj .
But then Mr Satya had a strong reason for taking such decision. When he suffered paresis, it was Dheeraj who took care of him. His family on the other hand wasn’t bothered about the ailing man.
When he was alive, Dheeraj was confident that his master would leave something for him as a token of love but he being the sole heir was something no one ever imagined.
Mr Banerjee’s perplexed face was still fresh in Dheeraj’s mind. For, he was torn between his family and Dheeraj for many months. While he wanted to reward Dheeraj for his selfless help and care, he didn’t want to punish his sons either. Entangled in his emotional web, he had changed his will so many times.
Executing the will took a long period since Mr Banerjee had gone missing eight years ago. All kinds of anticipations and doubts had surfaced since then. While some said that he was murdered by his family to get their hands on property soon, many were sure that it was Dheeraj who knew about the will beforehand. But then, they were just speculations and nothing could be proved.
During this time while gossipmongers were at their best, Mr Satya’s family, Dheeraj and the police had been searching for him but to no avail.
No wonders, executuion of will took such long time. As per Indian court system, the will can be brought in action only if the missing person is not found for seven years. Today, finally Dheeraj had won the case for which he was dragged by his master’s family.
While he was lost in his memories, he reached Satya Niwas. Court had taken its custody till the case was settled.
Dheeraj’s eyes were misty as he entered that house with which lots of memories were attached. The house was same as it was left eight years ago. Dheeraj went to Mr Banerjee’s room. He touched the bed with tearful eyes.
He moved to backyard where Mr Satya used to rest on his easy chair. He touched the grass.
“Sir, Rest in peace. Sorry, but I had to do it else you would have changed your will. I miss you.”
The smile was wicked!
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