School Bells

Lakshmi Ajoy posted under PenMuse-46 Poetry on 2022-11-06

The tintinnabulation of school bells, Resounding through the majestic corridors, Reminder of the playful times and impish grins, Those golden memories of yesteryears. Resounding through the majestic school corridors, Were our naughty demeanour and gurgling laughter, While there was reading and writing, There were also tiny paper planes rocketing through classrooms. Reminder of the playful times and impish grins, We cherish upon times that can never be relived, Our beloved teachers and best friends, Remain forever etched on our weary hearts. Those golden memories of yesteryears, Brings about a smile and natural glow, Childhood cherished dreams now come true, For in our off springs, we recreate our chronicles.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!