Second Innings

Tina and Raj met on Facebook. Today for the first time they'd meet face to face.
Tina’s thoughts kept going back to Ronny. Tina and Ronny divorced two years ago. But they had known each other for ages. Raj and Ronny are very different. In fact, sometimes Tina feels Raj is the perfect antithesis of Ronny.
“Forget Ronny,” Tina told herself. “Think about Raj.” But Raj is late. He's not answering the mobile. Suddenly she saw Ronny sauntering in. Incidentally, he was wearing blue. Ronny is very handsome and blue suits him perfectly. This is the shirt that Tina gifted him on their first anniversary.
“Hi! So you are sitting alone? Waiting for someone special? May I sit here?”
Ronny didn't wait for an answer. He just slumped into the chair.
Tina bit her lip. She worried about how the meeting between her ex-husband and her current boyfriend would go.
“Behave yourself,” she said in a hushed voice.
“I’d leave as soon as your ‘special person’ arrives. I promise I won’t create any trouble.”
As Tina did not answer, he continued, “How is Rakesh? Or, how are Rakesh, Ricky, Pintu, Subu?
So, he kept a tab on Tina. He knows who are in touch with her.
Still there was no response from Tina. Ronny continued, “It seems that you have a secret admirer. He told Ricky that you are a spiteful woman, and threatened Pintu with dire consequences. Whatever you may think, Pintu is actually a coward. And, Subu, I think you'd realise that he's no match for you. So your admirer left him alone.”
It doesn’t sound like Raj at all. Tina thought he was a peaceful guy. But, it’s early days. Tina messaged him again.
Ronny’s mobile beeped. “Oh! It must be Molly,” he replied.
Raj answered Tina’s message. “You look smashing, especially when you are angry.”
The penny dropped. Raj and Ronny are the same person. Ronny created a false profile and chatted with her. She stood up to leave.
“Disgusting!” Tina said.
“Calm down,” said Ronny alias Raj.
“Rakesh, Ricky, Pintu, Subu are scoundrels, right! And you are the perfect gentleman,” retorted Tina. “I hate you.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be euphoric to meet me. I have my fair share of faults.”
“I guess I am stuck. You won't let anyone near me. Somehow or the other you'd make sure they back off.”
“Yes,” said Ronny simply. “Raj is a refined version of me. Trust me. I will mend my ways. But, when you start nagging, you go on and on and on. You know I dated Molly. I dated a few other girls too. But, I realised that I cannot live without you. I with my faults and you with your faults make a perfect couple. We are mad at (made for) each other.
“Right,” Tina replied laughing.
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