Separation! Oh So Inevitable…

Mrinalinee Patro posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-15

She blooms in beauty amidst the envy and the stare; A beautiful ensuance of an earnest nurture and care. Nonchalantly she flaunts her delicate petals in full glory, Oblivious to the looming peril of an attack predatory. Unheard goes her heart wrenching plea and moan, When mercilessly plucked, used, crushed and thrown. The valiant protest by the warrior thorns, is in vain, When she is unstemmed, made susceptible  to acute pain. Detached from her cradle of love; inhumanly amputated; Her blooming cycle abruptly severed and callously devastated. Ever since a bud, apprehensions in a flower are always unending Ageing gracefully and weathering is as prerogative as budding, It’s indeed a curse, an unfair proposition by the Almighty That He choose her as an epitome of grace and beauty. If such was deemed with inviolability of His sacrosanctity, Why then alongside He also created such gruesome entity. Separation! Oh so inevitable and always a part of her destiny, Hindering her from full blossom, shattering her dreams so many. Still, she blooms in beauty amidst the envy and the stare; Braving the sun and the wind, basking in her magnificent flair. ____________ ____________