
Preeti Brahmin posted under Poetry on 2023-08-14

She  is a fidgety and wandering soul. She never remembers the thing she shouldn't forget. She skips medicines else gulps the dose twice She hums 'Staying alive' and keeps the Beegees,  close. She's liberal in views and unafraid to explore-, Thinks kindness should be the religion on the fore Take away water and she might last a day- But not without laughter to cure her woes away. In her ambitions a true purpose reflects- Even detractors agree it's a noble quest. To help young students hold on to school for a bit - Stop them from dropping out to earn too soon their keep. She thinks she can multitask from morn to night- Never realising the toll on her nerves. But quietly stores in a corner of her heart- Dreams of travelling and exploring far and wide She saves some pennies and shakes her piggy bank, Knowing full well the coffers may never fill- Enough for her to take a voyage passionnant. Still it's  joy de verve to sail each day's crafty craft.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!