Addled she was, cladding spears in Bosom, with fear and perturbation Conglomerating around her heart, smothering Dulcet medley of lilting life. Empathy froze in eyes of ignorance For taboos imbued the nous in greys Gainsaying reality to best she could, yet Hideous it became with each passing day In dull moments of despise and disdain Jouncing she was betwixt life and death, Knop nugatory maligned her fate Lone she felt in the battles ahead "My dear girl you are not the first Nor you'll be the last, many are treading On this path, redefining paradigms of Pulchritude, Grace and Womanhood Quash the qualms and face the world Refute the myths, resolve to heal, and reclaim life So what if you're playing against The odds, aren't we all doing the same Uncertainty is virtue of life Verily, every story has pain in rife, yet We all wade through these quagmires in Xebecs of care, hauled by Zephyrs of love Your fight my love is tougher than ours Zap it, for femininity spells strength for all
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