Silhouette - My Constant

Deepa Jandial posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

Day or night, it doesn’t leave me lone
With me, it has precisely grown
Moments joyous, moments sombre
Times tempestuous, times calmer
It’s been a friend to me

Sometimes ahead, sometimes behind
Sometimes aligned, sometimes inclined
Follows me wherever I go
It’s none other than my shadow
It’s been a sheer blessing

Whenever I feel dejected
Heartbroken and disconnected 
Whenever I hit rock-bottom
When life’s depth I fail to fathom
It’s been a true mentor

Embezzling all my pain away
Rendering peace amid the fray
My shadow whispers in my ear
I’ll hold you forever, don’t fear
It’s been a pedagogue


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