Sing a Song

Sunita Sahu posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-10

Sing a song, o baby, sing a song! Efface bitter memories, wipe a tear, Etch crescent curves, make them dance along! When clouds of despondence all around throng, And the world reeks of trepidation and fear, Sing a song, o baby, sing a song! Let them hear your melody all night long! Whilst the doleful souls strive in vain to cheer, Etch crescent curves, make them dance along! At times, you may encounter behemoths strong, Fret not, for your song shall be your spear! Sing a song, o baby, sing a song! Do not let them decide what's right, what's wrong! Amidst contempt, rancor, and scornful sneer, Etch crescent curves, make them dance along! One day you'll find a place where you truly belong! And angels there shall softly whisper in your ear, Sing a song, o baby, sing a song! Etch crescent curves, make them dance along!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!