Skeletons Of The Past

In the early 1970s in Ahmedabad Gujarat a big fraud was reported in a diamond trading corporation and the trader’s accountant was arrested in this respect. But the accountant never accepted the charges and repeatedly said he had been fabricated in this fraud, the evidence gathered proved him a culprit and he was sentenced to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment. 

Within a year of his punishment Prafful Patel (the accountant) was informed about the tragic death of his family and the lone survivor was his little daughter Anaya. Prafful was released on parole for four days to attend the funeral of his family and to make necessary arrangements for little Anaya. Anaya’s custody was given to her aunt, and she was sent to a boarding school to keep her away from her old surroundings.  

After serving one and a half years of imprisonment one-day Prafful had a special visitor in the form of a lawyer who informed him that the trader had found evidence that he was fabricated and Perry had not committed the fraud, all the necessary arrangements were being made for his release. The trader was not in the city so unable to meet him personally. 

The day before he was about to be released from jail, the jailor called Prafful and informed him of the sudden demise of Mr Bhavik (diamond trader) and his wife. Both were returning from the airport when their car met with an accident and both died on the spot. The lawyer of Mr Bhavik requested the court for secrecy and a petition was put to release Prafful a day later as his life was in danger, granted permission he was released at midnight.  

The Lawyer was waiting outside the jail, and he successfully transported Prafful to the airport. He explained he would come and meet him soon in Kenya. He gave him some papers that contained a passport, new identity proof, a letter from Bhavik, a letter of authority and a key to a locker. The lawyer requested Prafful to do as he was told as his life was in danger in India and all necessary arrangements were made for him in Kenya. He had a flight in less than four hours and not to worry about the safety of his daughter and her aunt it was fully taken care of. 

Prafful was quite perplexed by the turn of events. The last year and a half had passed like a lifetime in jail. Within a year his life was turned upside down, he lost his whole family and the person responsible for it was no more. On top of it, Bhavik was helping Prafful in every feasible way to lead a new life in a foreign land with a new identity.  

“How to trust a man who never trusted in his innocence?” Bhavik was the one who was responsible for all the disasters that had taken place in his life but after getting proof of his innocence Bhavik had done everything within his reach and fulfilled all his promises.  

The question remained still “Why is he doing it?” I do not have any answers, and he was not alive to answer them. He checked his boarding pass and boarded the flight; All the questions were unanswered he thought about his daughter, in all this jumble he was unable to see her and now he was flying away to a new country, at this time life looked like a roller coaster ride. Just a few hours ago he was in jail serving a sentence and within hours he was flying to a new destination. He remembered those papers given to him by Bhavik’s lawyer and thought they would shed some light on this whole puzzle. He started reading Bhavik’s letter 

Dear Prafful  

If you are reading this letter, then I  am not alive and met with the same fate. Prafful I seriously regret the day I accused you of that fraud, I should have believed in your innocence. I am deeply ashamed of it, but I know no number of apologies can redeem me in your eyes or bring down the sufferings that you have suffered due to my mistake. You must be wondering why this sudden change of heart. Prafful it was my brother and your best friend who masterminded this whole conspiracy. Your family was murdered and if you are reading this letter I must have met with the same fate. Please believe me when I say your life was in danger if you stayed in India, I know after what you went through it was hard to believe but please trust me just this one time and you will not regret it. My corporation was on the verge of bankruptcy, but I had made all the arrangements for you to start a new life in Kenya. I had started a new diamond unit in Kenya, and you were going to head it, and no one knew about this development except my lawyer. 

Prafful, I had nobody to trust anymore, and it must be hard for you to do what I am asking you to do. But please do this one favour for me and take care of my child after my death, you will not regret this decision, and I am signing his custody to you. All the necessary arrangements have been made you will be dully received in Kenya and further information will be given and handed over to you. Your daughter was perfectly secure, and you will meet her very soon.  


Twenty Years Later Perry alias Prafful Patel was in bed with his mistress Sasha wondering how twenty years had passed by, and he had come a long way. He is running a multimillion-dollar syndicate along with his legal and illegal business his phone buzzed and his partner in crime Shankar alias Shawn was online reminding him about their meeting in Brazil. On the front, Perry was running a diamond trading corporation, but he had a hand in all the illegal trades starting from drug dealing, diamond smuggling, extortion, and human trafficking. 

 Shankar, alias Shawn, was one of the biggest drug dealers, diamond smugglers and organised crime bosses. Shawn, who was also known as ‘superfly’ trafficked drugs, and diamonds from Africa to Dubai using fleets of planes. He used 15 private jets to ferry his dealings. Shankar alias Shawn was Bhavik’s brother. 

Do not be fooled into thinking that drug trafficking and smuggling is a man’s game. Sasha alias Sam also known as ‘The Godmother’ proved otherwise. In 1975 she was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in jail but continued to conduct business while behind bars. She fled from prison within two years of her imprisonment. Sam was working with Prafful in ‘Light Diamond Corporation’ and was his best friend.  

Prafful laughed at his cleverness, "How he managed to fool everybody and become the king of this syndicate. I am a two-faced swine who fooled everyone around him. Who am I? Ha, ha! A respected businessperson or a kingpin of the Mafia. Bhavik’s trust proved a blessing in disguise for me. A lavish life, new identity, wealth, and successful business all handed over to me on a platter. I am a master who wore a facade. I enjoy every moment of it. Come here my darling, please me, fuck me hard." 

Sam and Prafful carried on with their romance till the early morning hours. Then Prafful got dressed kissed Sam on her lips and bidding her goodbye to catch his plane for Brazil. On his way to the airport, he received a call from Rosh (Bhavik’s son). 

“Rosh, my dear, how are you, my son? I am on my way to Brazil and will meet you on my way back in a week.” Prafful smiled and thought, “I love this boy. Bhavik, you gave me a precious gift when you entrusted me with his custody. I always longed for a son and got jealous when God blessed you with one and I got blessed with a girl. You always made me feel inferior, but I turned the game and used you as a pawn, checkmate my friend.”   

Rosh joined Bright Diamond Corporation after completing his education. Rosh was a tall, smart, and intelligent fellow like his father. His business mind was sharp, keen, and had a great vision. The one redeeming feature for Prafful was that he fulfilled every responsibility towards Rosh and loved him like his own son. Rosh understood the nitty gritty of running such a big enterprise quickly. He worked as an intern in his firm and soon climbed the ladder and joined the top position in the concern.  

Anaya Prafful’s daughter was a lovely young lady of medium height, slim frame, big beautiful brown eyes, short curly hair, and a mesmerizing smile. She completed her education in jewellery design and gemology. She too joined the corporation as a designer, and these two were the faces of the legal side of the corporation unaware of the illegal practices going on the sidelines.

Rosh and Anaya have been in love with each other and have been secretly dating for the past few years. They are hesitant to approach  Prafful directly but know that he loves them. They decided to wait for the time being and decided to focus on their careers. Rosh wanted Prafful to take that initiative and talk about their marriage proposal himself. Rosh already felt indebted towards Prafful for taking loving care of him after his parent's demise. 

In Perry’s office, Rosh attending a video conference call, when a fax was delivered. It stated that the cat was delivered safely, and the next delivery was on its way, following the monetary instructions. Rosh was understandably puzzled by this message and immediately confronted Perry. Despite Perry’s claim that the Fax was wrongly delivered and that he was unaware of the mentioned deals, Rosh remained unconvinced. The mention of his corporation’s name in the message made it implausible that the fax was delivered to the wrong number. 

Perry decided on an alliance between Rosh and Anaya as a strategic move. This move will allow me to keep control of the corporation while Rosh becomes my son-in-law. It is time to act on this proposal, if both parties agree, I will announce their engagement at the corporation's annual gala. Prafful called Anaya and Rosh, expressing his wish for an alliance between the two, it would be a beneficial arrangement for all involved. 

Bright Diamond Corporation’s annual gala ball was in full swing as the organization celebrated its twentieth anniversary alongside Prafful’s daughter’s engagement. A masquerade party was organized, and associates connected with the corporation were all in attendance. Perry even extended invitations to his illegal associates, which raised some eyebrows.  

During the party, Rosh spotted Shankar, one of Perry’s illegal associates, but when he tried to approach him, Shankar vanished into the crowd. After the party Rosh voiced his concerns to Perry, who brushed them off, claiming Rosh must have mistaken someone else for Shankar. Despite his doubts, Rosh ignored it, chalking it up to a strange coincidence.  

While holidaying in Brazil, Rosh spotted Prafful dining with Shankar and Sasha in a seaside hotel one evening. He was surprised to see Prafful with the two of them. He recalled the incident of the gala ball when Prafful brushed off the situation as a case of mistaken identity; his suspicion intensified. He called Prafful and enquired about his whereabouts. Prafful claimed he was in a meeting in London and would speak to him later. Rosh clicked several pictures of the three of them as evidence for his future confrontation with Perry.  

Rosh trailed them from the hotel. He was astonished to discover all three were staying in the same mansion. He returned to his hotel and hired detectives to monitor all their activities. He then contacted his lawyer in India and instructed him to thoroughly investigate the history of Light Diamond Corporation from twenty years ago, to employ detectives to uncover all the secrets, and to examine all the court cases related to its bankruptcy, and other associated rumours. He emphasized that he should be informed at once, not Prafful. If anything, suspicious was discovered, he urged him to seek assistance from the police without hesitation.  

Detectives have provided a comprehensive report detailing an extensive drug deal taking place in Brazil. The report includes evidence of illegal practices and smuggling of drugs and diamonds via private jets. The syndicate has been involved in high-profile murders, human trafficking, and illegal smuggling of diamonds for decades. The Diamond Manufacturing Corporation served as a front for their illicit activities. Sam is a wanted criminal evading the law, and living under a false identity. Shawn fled India to escape multiple criminal cases and is the primary suspect in the murder of his brother’s family. Perry is the mastermind behind this sophisticated criminal network and managed to avoid leaving any trace of his illegal activities. 

Rosh was perplexed by the turn of events. I am living with a criminal all my life and  I am engaged to his daughter. Does Anaya know about her father’s illegal activities? Why did my father trust him so much? Was Perry involved in my parent's death? Oh! What a jumble, I do not know whom to trust anymore. 

Rosh reported the whole matter to the police and was informed that these three had been on their radar for some time and that their every activity was tightly monitored. The police warned Rosh to keep secrecy and stay alert. It might be possible that they try to eliminate you if they know you are aware of their illegal activities. The Police recommended that Rosh act normally.  

The detectives were able to gather information on a major drug deal about to go down, involving Shawn. Rosh, tipped off by the detectives, passed the information to the police. An arrest was made during a police raid, where Shawn was found with a significant quantity of drugs in his private jet. 

Despite his initial unwillingness to cooperate during the interrogation, the police were eventually able to extract a confession, revealing his involvement with Sam and Perry in long-standing criminal activities. Shawn also provided evidence implicating himself in the tragic elimination of his brother’s family, which he justified by citing his brother’s threat to disown him from the family business due to his illegal dealings.  

The news of Shawn’s arrest spread like fire. Sam and Perry went underground. Rosh received a threatening phone call from an unknown number. Perry warned Rosh of dire consequences if he was involved in this conspiracy against him. If you tricked my daughter in all this, I would kill you with my bare hands. The son of a swine stays a swine. Sam and Perry were trying to flee from the country in a private boat when both were gunned down when they opened fire at the police. An era of bloodshed and conspiracies ended with the deaths of two masterminds. 

 The skeletons tumbled out of the closet. Rosh received a sealed parcel from his lawyer along with a note. 

“I am so sorry, Rosh, about your loss. Had I known about the criminal conspiracy going on against your family? I would have been able to save your parents.” 

The parcel had evidence of Perry’s horrendous crimes. He masterminds the fraud in the corporation. The bankruptcy was fake because of the misguided information provided in the accounts. Perry,  with Sasha and Shankar, wanted control of Light Diamond Corporation. Bhavik came to know about the deadly intentions of his brother and Sam. Perry projected himself as a victim to gain the trust of Bhavik and backstab him when the time came.  

The evidence reveals that Rosh’s parents were killed in a car crash twenty years ago. Perry chose to still be in jail to avoid suspicion. He orchestrated the murder of his own family because he was having an affair with Sam, and Shawn provided him with an alibi. Perry’s wife discovered the dark side of her husband and intended to warn Bhavik, but she never had the chance. Fortunately, Anaya was safe because she was at her aunt’s house. Perry was a heartless man with a cunning criminal mind and deadly intentions.  

Anaya is shocked to learn the truth about her father. She cannot believe that her father was involved in criminal activities and was responsible for the deaths of her and Rosh’s families. His actions are unforgivable, and I am disgusted to be associated with him. Rosh comforted Anaya, by saying, “I believe you, you are innocent in this. Like me, you were kept in the dark about the past. It is time to move on and leave the past behind.”  Prafful’s love for Rosh proved to be a blessing in disguise for Rosh, enabling him to achieve justice for his and Anaya’s family. Always remember, two wrongs never make a right.  

Let us pray for our respective families, may they rest in peace. Justice may take its time but good prevails over bad.  

Do not judge a book by its cover. Past catches with you eventually, skeletons tumble out of the cupboard to be put to rest.