Soggy Socks

Kasturika Mishra posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-08

I was lying unused for a year,
Dejected and non descript me,
The poly pack holding me is icy cold as the iron rods of a doors to the jail,
It chided me " Hey! You useless piece of fabric!
Be ready to be used as wiper for Collins cleaner!
Mostly, i get separated from my twin,
Like long lost Kumba mela sibling,
I am mismatched with a similar colour cousin and worn under another hard cover,
Hiding from limelight,
Sweaty and dirty i get thrown here and there,
My bums is scratched on hard surfaces,
Slipping on polished floors i barely can stand i feel like a ballerina,
But one thing, i just love the colours humans give me,
But when they soak me in muddy water and forget to wash me,
Lying there being pushed with those white detergent who smell even bad than me, 
How they try to occupy my nudges and curves,
bloody hell! When you come out of water all edges smoothened you are hanged like gymnasts on their balancing slabs
I keep dripping those extra water to offload those extra pounds like sportsmen,
 I am happiest on my long treks on mountains where i meet my natural parents, the trees!
Alas! What's a life worth a few years or so!
Yours loving,

