Sound Of Rain Droplets

Priyanka Sabharwal posted under QuinTale-65 on 2024-07-21

The rain is relentless. I can hear it tapping on the metal roof and trickling down the broken pipe into the mud. My cracked lips feel dry, and I wonder if someone is going to bring me food and water, or if they are coming at all. I spent ten days locked in that dungeon, but it felt like an eternity. My clothes were torn, my body badly scratched, bruised, and bleeding. I was found unconscious by the locals, and they admitted me to the hospital. 

 I survived against all odds and finally emerged from the ordeal. It took a month before I could sit without feeling pain, and the trauma was so intense that I would react strongly to any attempt at physical contact. Nevertheless, I persevered and am now on the path to recovery. My name is Alisha, and I am a survivor of gang rape. 

 When I was thirteen years old, my entire family was murdered, and I am the only survivor. My family held considerable influence in our district. My grandfather was a high court judge and the other family members held high positions. However, there was a blemish in our family. My uncle was a rapist and gangster who was evading the law. 

Finally, the law caught up with him and he was sentenced to life imprisonment by my grandfather. He managed to escape from the prison and in retaliation, he goes on a mass massacre and kills his own family. I testified against him. He was charged with first-degree murder and given a death sentence. On the premises of the court, we came face to face. He glared at me with hatred and malice, shouted at me, and warned, “You are going to regret this.” 

Three Years Later 

I vividly recall the moment I was taken captive in heavy rainfall on my way home from school. Despite my efforts to call for help, I was injected and lost consciousness. When I regained awareness, I found myself bound by ropes. My persistent cries for help, and my pleas went unanswered. After some time, some men came into the room and started assaulting me sexually. I was physically and mentally tortured by how many men I lost count. My body was paining and bleeding. I was told it was a present from my uncle for my birthday in advance.  

 I prayed for that monster's death every day. Then one day, my wish was granted when the creature got killed in an encounter. After what he did to me and my family, death brought some relief, but I believe he should have suffered more for his actions. However, I trust that God will punish him accordingly. After many years, I finally found peace within myself. As the rain started to fall, I stood there getting soaked, feeling tears of relief streaming down my face. I no longer hate the sound of rain.