Spinny Makes A Comeback

Aditi Lahiry posted under QuinTale-63 on 2024-05-22

The animals in the Green Wood were having a marvelous time . It was the birthday party of Mali, the Elephant calf . Everyone was relieved for a while because they all knew that Spinny the notorious ,giant Widow Spider was gone for good.  Everyone  had arrived  except Serpy , the Bamboo Pit Viper. Mali eagerly waited for Serpy.
Boney Bee was Spinny 's only friend, who missed him the most. He always warned Spinny  to stay away from spinning  his black webs to trap some or the other small animal or insect before running  away from there forever .
' But you can't run forever' everytime you spin your nasty web dear Spinny . You have to think of better ways to help others. At this rate no one will be interested to be around you. "
Even when his own children went around the Green Wood to play with Chattery and Jimmy monkeys . They refused by chattering 
" Oh ! No we don't want to be friends with you, for you are the children of Spinny . So you too will , notoriously trap us in your web. We are scared of you . We don't want to play with you ever."
The last straw in the camel's back happened during Maggie Leopard's Tea Party . Spinny had managed to spin a thick black web all around the tea table and the paws of all the animals. As a result every animal fell down with the entagled webs. Finally Gnawy the squirrel and Nibbly the mouse came to the rescue that day. They nibbled the webs to rescue the animals.
Everyone was annoyed by Spinny's act . So they warned Spinny and his children. Spinny felt terribly upset but had no other choice than to leave the Green Wood for a while.
On Mali's Birthday when everyone was enjoying the party , suddenly Mambi the fawn came running to inform all that a hunter had entered the Green Wood Forest . 
" I have just seen how Serpy has been hit by the hunter's arrow. He is soon going to die ,if we don't help him right now ." 
Listening Mambi's words , all the animals rushed to the spot.  They tried to help , but the arrow would not come out easily. It was at that moment that Boney Bee cried out
" We must  call Spinny and his children . It's only they who can help us during this hour of crisis". Soon Spinny and his children arrived at the spot . They started spinning a web around the arrow that had stuck on Serpy's back. Finally , Spinny carefully took out the arrow , which was easily caught in the web. Serpy thanked Spinny and his children for saving his life. Spinny spoke up
" We have learnt our lesson. We can't run forever from our mistakes. We will use our skills to help others."
Everyone was delighted with Spinny 's Comeback. Mali's Birthday celebration continued on a happy note for all the animals of The Greenwood.
Aditi Lahiry