Spirit of the Game

Ranjani Gangadharan posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-21

A ball and a bat A sport, never restricted to the boundaries of the field With every hit and miss Innumerable emotions surge and flutter like a roller coaster  Amid the tears and cheers A unique inseparable bond burgeons and gels ~Isn't this the spirit of the game?~ Deluge of views and opinions  We transmute into critics and complimenters Sometimes cribbing, at times applauding  We drift along with the tides of the sport Icons we adore and glorify Etching their struggles into inspirations ~A wonderful odyssey of passion~ Age, no bar for the enthusiasm Caste or creed not in any way an impediment Patriotic hymns we croon To honour the laurels and triumphs Together we stand as a team To support the clan and country.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!