Sudha – The Murty of Simplicity

Nilshree Yelukar posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-14

One day accidentally, while scrolling through the internet, I happened to bump into an interview,  A lady with simple language and values, On a rather fancy and happening page!  Her humble words and thoughtful values,  Made me believe goodness still exists, It's okay not to be with the trend, And it is even better to follow old-school thoughts! That it is okay to wear simple clothes and repeat them, And to be clear in communication,  Rather than sugarcoated words! How easy it is to stay humble, Even if you are the founder of a big empire!  A celebrated Author, with a long list of titles, Or achiever of one of the highest civilian awards in the country!  She personifies simplicity in the highest form,  Elevates grace with her charming smile,  And wins hearts with her deeds!    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!