Sunday Mass

Zahabia Kotawala posted under Guest Posts Short Stories on 2018-12-14

The sight was breathtaking! This enchanting monument had a fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes which wonderfully contemplated amalgamation on the earth and the abstract kingdom of God. Joseph showed courage and entered inside old oak doors of the church heeding the request of his father who was also a concerned Father of the Our Lady of Dolours Church. This atheist turned aesthetic as he saw a pleasing charmer sitting right in front of the altar. He kept on gazing that pretty girl until the Sunday mass prayer began. She was indulged in singing the holy hymns and Joseph's eyes were engaged in stealing the glimpse of that lovely female. As the mass prayer was over folks started leaving the church seeking the blessings of Father but Joseph stood there still and couldn't take his eyes of  from that graceful girl. Thanks to this beautiful encounter which made him regular for every Sunday Mass. Joseph's dad was astounded of his dedication and routine visits to church until one fine day he figured out the reason. “Sarah, take these candles”, an old lady whispered in the mid of the sermon who always sat on the bench behind her. That was the moment when Sarah too noticed Joseph but pretended to ignore. Well, her this posture did not last for long and she also began to admire him secretly. However, an old lady too smelled that rice was being cooked up discreetly. The new scenario aroused, liking between the two souls flourished. Now they visited the church not only to meet Jesus but also for a sweet glance of their love interest but this slow and steady birds never tried to interact. This affair went on till many weeks and Joseph's dad too had an idea about something fishy was going on. One fine morning, he gathered some courage and sent a letter to Sarah via his nephew. He asked him to handover the envelope to an elegant lady dressed in lavender. It stated as; Dear Anonymous, See I don't even know your name and neither you know mine.So let me introduce myself. I am Joseph the one who keeps smiling and waving at you every Sunday. I desire to know you more.. Let's meet in evening at Rozy’s cafe? What say? Please accept my cordial invitation.. I will be overwhelmed to see you! Yours faithfully, Joseph Joseph had booked a table in cafe and was eagerly waiting for Sarah with closed eyes! He whooped at heart when he heard the footsteps of somebody’s encroaching towards his dining table. No sooner he opened his eyes, his hair stood to an end with shock. He got goosebumps looking at an octogenarian who was a regular seater on the bench behind Sarah. “Why are you looking so surprised"? "Expecting someone else?" "You invited me for a date today right?" An old lady threw series of questions. Joseph pondered for a while, “Oh yes there is a confusion, this grandma was also dressed in lavender saree and that little boy made a blunder in confusion.” He mumbled inwardly. Still Joseph did not misbehave and greeted that lady with warmth and due respect. He made her comfortable and treated her humbly. “So my beautiful guest, what will you prefer to have?” He offered her a menu card and then they ordered some heavenly food. They had a healthy conversation. After spending a quality time with each other she exclaimed, “I will cherish our meeting lifetime!” “But before leaving I have to thank you with this small gift.” She smiled at him with gratitude and left the cafe. When Joseph opened the gift bag he found a box of delicious and variety of handmade cookies. The box of goodies was stuck with a perfumed envelope. Here he goes, he unfolded a letter of Sarah which said; Dear Joseph, Thank you for welcoming my Grandmother so lovingly. I know she was your unexpected guest but still your good manners and etiquette treated her like a queen. Your today’s deed reflected your exemplary and nice upbringing which indicates that you belong to a good family. Your hosting and humble nature very much impressed me and my grandma and this is the reason that you are reading my letter today. Your message fell into my grandmother's hand by mistake. I guess there was some confusion. I very well understood that the proposal of date was for me but still I preferred to play this trick. Not just for mischievous reason but even to test you.. I am sorry to cheat but I guess you won't mind it😉 So let's go for jogging together tomorrow at 6.00 am. What say? Your friend, Sarah Joseph blushed and his joy seemed boundless!
