
Navita Goel posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-21

Sunrise is truly an enthralling sight, Darkness of night dispels as Sun appears, Warmth and hopefulness chaperone the light. Resplendent multicolors fill the sky, As Fiery Sun shines exuberantly. Branches sway in morning breeze with delight, Slowly dew on leaves and grass disappears, Sunrise is truly an enthralling sight. Each day Sun shines brightly with new power, Reviving every being in its realm. Chirping of birds starts with first streak of light, Each bird flies towards the sky without fears, Warmth and hopefulness chaperone the light. After starlit night begins a new day, New opportunity to enjoy life. To behold the Sunrise is a delight, Benediction from above it appears, Sunrise is truly an enthralling sight. Crack of dawn is a transcendent poem, Written by the omnipresent himself. Heart is filled with gratitude for new light, Uncertainty of the mind disappears, Warmth and hopefulness chaperone the light. Phosphorescence of sunshine is so bright, With its help Inner darkness disappears, Sunrise is truly an enthralling sight, Warmth and hopefulness chaperone the light.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!