Take Me Back To My Sugar Candy Days

Umayal Subramaniam posted under PenMuse-71 on 2025-02-20

Whenever I see kids playing in the playground

I long to go back to my childhood days

The joy in their faces as the kids go in the merry-go round

Memories of the sugar candy smiles of the bygone days


The playground calls out to me, the slide and the swings

Joyful days of swinging up in the air and to the sky

Running around with arms spread out like bird’s wings

Fluttering in the playground like a beautiful butterfly


Reliving the memories I go past the playground

Looking back at times as the laughing children enjoy

Take me back to my sugar candy days , to the sweet sound

Of my friends and me playing and hearts erupting in joy


Take me to the playground in my school compound,

Take me back to my sugar candy days with my biggest toy.